Thunder's Place

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A Question about fat loss and increased length...

A Question about fat loss and increased length...

I was just wondering if it is true that if you lose 35lbs. of fat, you will gain 1” in length? I’ve read this many times in men’s magazines and on TV documentary shows.

I weighed 210lbs. when I was a teenager and I had a 7.5” BPEL (a good size, but looked average because I am 6’5” tall) …I was this size without ever doing PE… but I did do steroids, which made my dick longer and harder at the time. Now, 10 years later, I have put on 70lbs. of fat- yeah I’m blubbery…, but my dick size is 6.5” BPEL. I just started PE 2months ago, and am now dieting and working out to lose the weight. Does the 70lbs. I have to lose mean that I could grow 2inches in BPEL?

Has anyone experienced this first hand?

The fatter you are the worse your blood circulation, and over time the penis can shrink because of poor blood flow. The best way to be for maximum penis size is to carry a good level of fat free mass with good cardio capability.


I doubt that about losing 35 pounds would give someone an inch, maybe some more NBP. Your situation however is different mainly because you were very active and you took steroids. The weight training would have definitely increased your blood flow, and if you took testosterone or something like it you would have probably experienced a stronger sex drive and harder erections. This along with the fact that you were a teenager who already had a high supply of natural test you could have experienced a much fuller erection, giving you a higher BPEL. Finally there is always a possibility of losing a very little bit of BP length if you gain a lot of fat simply because if there is a lot of fat over the bone you wouldn’t be able to press as far. These things probably all contribute to your apparent loss.

I would say if you could (and want to), get back to working out regularly and start PEing. You will most likely experience fast gains up to your old length as your body gets back to what it used to have. PEing will help and being in better health is just a good idea overall so I’d say you’re on the right track.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

I gained visible length from fat lose. I never measured, but it must have been about an 1.5 inch.

Lost 70+ pounds.


When you say “visible length” do you mean that you gained NBP or BP? Also were you PEing during the time you saw this gain?

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

Originally Posted by hyyprr

When you say “visible length” do you mean that you gained NBP or BP? Also were you PEing during the time you saw this gain?

No PE at the time. By visible, I mean, non-bone pressed.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
No PE at the time. By visible, I mean, non-bone pressed.

That makes sense, as losing that much fat would definitely expose more of your covered penis. This is going to be part of my goal after I finish bulking in a few months.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

I lost 40 pounds before I started PE and trust me, I didn’t gain an inch. Your fat distribution may vary, however.

… Thanks guys!… I’ve been working hard and I lost 3 lbs. last week. I think if I zone diet- I’ll be able to work out and lose about 40-50 lbs. by the end of 2004. When I plateau, I’ll probably switch to a keto diet until I reach my goal. I’ll keep the forum informed of my progress as I go.

Good luck 21pro. As someone who also went through a long diet once, I think the best advice I could give would be to keep yourself busy. I lost 40 pounds in about 5 months and I didn’t even feel like I was dieting. I just had a lot of things going on in my life and it made me not think about eating anything but what I was supposed to.

Start (6/23/04): 7.25 BPEL X 4.75 EG As of (7/12/05): 8.00" BPEL X 5.00" EG Midshaft (5.25 base) Short Term Goal: 8.0 BPEL X 5.25 EG Midshaft Long Term Goal : 8.5 BPEL X 6.0 EG

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