>Correct me if I’m wrong, aren’t we supposed to jelq in different direction from our LOT. Like when you have LOT at 8, you should be jelqing upward???<
If you have a LOT of 8 you can probably stretch your ligs pretty effectively, jeqling down stretches the ligs.
Once your LOT goes down it probably makes less difference, but its normally easier to get a good pump in a stroke pointing it down. So when I jelqed I tended to jelq up when the erection was high and if it started to fade a little switch to down.
>Have you ever get a lig pop?? is that good??
No. I don’t think it makes a difference. There were some new thoughts on lig pops a while ago but I was busy and missed the thread. The old maxim of if it doesn’t hurt there isn’t a problem is a good one to follow.