Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

A view on why nature hasnt made everyone massive

A view on why nature hasnt made everyone massive

I don’t know if this idea has been posted before, but I came across this on craigslist "best of" today and figured people here would be interested. I read the forum guidelines about links and I think this is ok to post, but if it isn’t, the idea is that the shorter distance to the egg doesn’t allow the fitter sperm to distance themselves from the unfit, retarded sperm. The writer goes on to say 9 of 10 times a bad sperm fertilizes the egg it results in a miscarriage.

I don’t know about the various distances involved, relative speeds of different flagellated haploid cells in a vagina, or whether one should take into account depositing the guys past the cervix in the CDS, so basically I would take it as entertainment and food for thought until an MD chimes in.

http://www.crai … a/20041464.html

I just finished reading and he mentions shooting sperm into the fallopian tubes, and I’m fairly certain this isn’t possible. He also thinks 4” girth is massive, which, as much as I wish it was, is not the truth.

It’s still an entertaining read, though.

I don’t think he is saying that 4” girth is massive. I believe he’s saying that 4 inch girth on his offspring might be just the right size, although I don’t know why he is saying that.

Starting size: 7"x5.25" bp

Current size: 7.25"x5.875" bp

Goal size: 8.75"x6" bp

Distance… hum I have 2 kids. Little lady sniffed my shorts each time and was pregnant!


Starting: 6.25" BPEL x 5" EG on or before Aug. 04/93.

Aug. 04/05. 7.25" BPEL x 5.5" EG. -- Lastest: 7.625" BPEL x 5.625" EG on Aug. 07/06.

Goal: 8" BPEL x 6" EG or untill the little lady says ouch.

This makes no sense at all. A long penis is likely to shoot semen past the cervix toward the CDS. Even if the semen hits the cervix, it doesn’t get much of a head start considering fertilization takes place several inches away in the fallopian tubes.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Yeah, thats kinda what I thought.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
This makes no sense at all. A long penis is likely to shoot semen past the cervix toward the CDS. Even if the semen hits the cervix, it doesn’t get much of a head start considering fertilization takes place several inches away in the fallopian tubes.

Assuming he’s not thrusting, which he obviously is.

That sounds interesting.

I learned that those deformed sperm that he’s referring to are indeed meant NOT to fertilize the egg. According to the book Sperm Wars, Only about 1% of sperm are considered the elite egg getters, the other 99% are designed to fight off other sperm from another male. The competition has gone inside. This would make since to me about how the elite egg getting sperm from a line of average (smaller) men would possibly be MORE FIT because of having to swim a longer distance so in turn giving them an advantage over the larger penis competition.

I guess we’ll need to do an experiment (NO WAY this would ever get done, it’s too crazy)
I assume you would set up some type of (pre PE) experiment to see if a woman gets pregnant from a man with a large penis or the smaller penis. In the experiment the large guy would go first then the smaller guy would have sex with her soon after, then blood test would be done to see who the baby belongs too, LOL


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