I am not necessarily using the extender to add any inches. I have a mild to moderate case of Peyronies Disease probably due to Rx drug interaction. I use the extender while I’m also having verapimil injections into the scar tissue and take vitamin e. I have used the device for about 10 weeks and the bend angle has improved greatly, which was my main objective. About !/4 inches in length and girth have been added. Size has never been all that important to me. This is more of a mental thing as I was very straight when erect. I’m just trying do end the bending and get normal looking, for me anyway, again.
My urologist saw the extender, could not tell any differences from the $259.00 and up models on name brands and the one I bought. The thing with extenders is in the extension rods. Buy one with 12 rod pieces. This allows you to go slow. No matter what your reasons are for using a device or a PE regiment, slow and steady wins the race. Penis results cannot be downloaded instantly, it’s not an iPod! You have to be patient as any form of penis manipulation can take 6 to 18 months or more to get lasting results.