Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Absolutely Amazing


Great Job!
Congrats on the gains!

Now use it!

Originally Posted by Wt282
5” girth at altitude is something like 5.58” at sea level.

Wouldn’t it be the other way around?

Originally Posted by Titleist

What does the color of his skin have to do with you statement?


Absolutely nothing! He’s just curious as to what changes I’ve been going through since I’ve started PE and he’s been trying to figure it out.

I shower with around thirty men every day for the last 20 years, mixed races, and I was just stating he was a curious friend that I’m sure would like to know what’s going on down there. One of these days I’ll probably tell him. Just to set the record straight I’m not prejudice, we bike, work out together, and go golfing.

I’m also sure he knows I’m doing something! I just know he’d be interested in what it is that I’m doing, from the way he’s been hinting around.

Yo what’s up BB? Your injury clear up?

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Hey BigLurk,

Sara Palin - that’s hilarious!! And true, whatever side yer on.

There is a hot Asian reporter on the local station, and, well, schtoing!


Hello, MountainDog.

I would like to know how you keep your erections so full while doing your routines? I am having issues with staying erect during my exercises. This occurs out of boredom, or a change in climate.

Yesterday: 6.2 NBP

Today: 6.5 NBP (varies...)

Tomorrow: 8 NBP

Hi Bobrossx,

Though I really don’t drop much below 60-70% sometimes I need to bring the level up some. I do this a couple ways, I look at my penis and think, damn, it’s getting big, and imagine the potential. Honestly, I also get turned on by playing with/touching myself and tend to secrete some jiz. I rub this around the glans a bit and bingo, back up to 90+%. I really think the mental/hopeful side of it truely helps me.

Best of luck!


Originally Posted by Siva Lingam
Hillary Clinton would reduce blood flow… she would be better for hanging or stretching.

laughing my blue balls away

Congratulations!! Nice work mate

1/4” in girth in 4 weeks is ALOT.. Good job :) I hope it isnt a measurement error.


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