Make sure you give yourself plenty of rest days within your routine. Start off with two days on and one day off. The goal is to produce low level trauma (micro tears), so that you can heal back larger. If you push it every day though, you don’t give yourself the time you need to do that healing. Instead, the trauma just builds up to the point that it impairs function.
If you choose to continue with PE, make sure you stop all routines as soon as you see anything out of the ordinary, until you’re sure all is well. I literally ask about everything strange I experience that I can’t find a thread about with the search feature, just to give the more experienced guys here a chance to tell me if it’s a red flag.
Lastly, you can’t approach this from a desperate mindset. The gains come very slowly, and only with patience and consistency. Too much obsession leads to either frustration and quitting, which gains you nothing, or injury from over enthusiasm. If you’re comfortable enough to share it, what has you so desperate to gain size? There are lots of us here who have been though scenarios that have left is with really unhealthy head-space, and sometimes the perspective of somebody else who’s been there can help.
Starting Stats Jan 2019 - BPEL: 6.75", MSEG: 5.875"
Now - BPEL: 7.0625", MSEG: 6.25"