So simple, yet so effective…
I made a rice sock today, warmed it up for about 30 seconds (I think I have a strong microwave), wore the rice sock for 15 minutes while working on an exercise bike. It got kinda cool after 15 minutes of working out, so I put it in the microwave for another 20 seconds and worked out for another 15 minutes.
I’m surprised how well it stays in place with tight underpants on. Also, this seems to be a much better warm up/warm down than either a hot cloth wrap or Icy Hot.
After working out, I take a shower. Before I put the shower on, I get the water pretty hot and let it run out of the faucet, kneel down in front of the faucet and let my member get toasty-warm while I do about 100 kegels; this method also seems to work really well.
Thanks a lot for all the useful information.