Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Amazed At My Gains In Only A Month And Half


Man I don’t get your routine

Mine is

Kegel on all day (on my work, I do five reps of 2 min, and I do I lot off squeeze)

Warm up 3 min

Stretch 10 min (30 s on all position)

Then 20 min of Jelq (400 reps)

What is yours??

Congratulations I PE for two month and have see gains (hahahah I almost cry off happiness)

But is 0.5 cm heheeh very little, but I am really on good mood about PE now man, this shit really works!

46and2, when you’re stretching, do you look for a loss of tugback as a sign of a complete stretch for the session? I haven’t heard of this before and wondered if maybe it’s a good indicator that it’s not necessary to continue stretching that day.

I didn’t know that if you stretch at an angle for long enough that tugback eventually stops. I never really tested it.

I don’t know if loss of tugback means that you can stop stretching for the day, but it is a good indicator that I am fully stretched out for the moment and ready to jelq.


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