Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I have been doing jelqs for 5 minutes and 50 kegels a day for the past week or so and I am amazed with the results. I have noticed a big different in erections which was my main goal. I have also noticed like a 30% bigger limp size.

Question though: Is the limp size effected before the erection size? I am 7x5.75 at the moment and would like to be about 7.5x6 and ill be satisfied. will my routine get me there or should I increase to 10 minutes of jelqs>?

Most people see gains in flaccid size first which is then followed by erect lenght gains. You need to start with the newbie routine first and then gradually increase your jelq time.

Originally Posted by Comp1234
Is the limp size effected before the erection size?

Yup,it`s always does.

Originally Posted by Comp1234
Will my routine get me there or should I increase to 10 minutes of jelqs>?

For first month or more(until you stop gain) I think you should do 10 minutes of jelqs.And do stretching.

As Gninja said, start doing newbie routine,for at least month.

I kinda do my own routine. I actually do stretches while jelqing. Its pretty cool, I jelq in each stretching direction and I feel the tug all around. Think this works the same?

do jelqs target length or width?

Originally Posted by l3xa_2005
Yup,it`s always does.

Not always. Sometimes they come together, sometimes erect gains come first. Personally my NBPFL has not increas while my NBPEL does.

Comp, if your routine is working for you then continue doing it. No one routine will work as good for all as it does for 1. Jelqing is a versatile exercise. If can be used to target both length and/or girth depending on your erection level.

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