Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

And so it has begun

And so it has begun

After months and months of lurking and bullshitting around, I just finished my first pe routine. I want to dedicate 100% of my PE towards lenght right now, so I’m only doing stretches. I realize that jelqing can also help out a little bit in length, but I want to take it one step at a time. Once I get a solid .25 gain I will start mixing in girth exercises. Since I’m only doing stretches, is it okay to use the time that would normally be spent jelqing (during the newbie routine) for additional stretching? Today I just did the basic 5 minute stretch (10, 30 sec stretches) but wanted to do more in replace of the jelq but didnt know if that was safe.

Starting stats

BP 5.75
EG 5.00


NBP 7.0
EG 5.75

Welcome to Thunders cheezit,

I don’t see where doing extra stretches is gonna hurt, but you might want to wait till some of the guys chime in.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hi cheezit and welcome aboard,

I’m glad that you have been lurking around and found the best routine that fits you.
Well, there’s no conflict between jelqing and manual stretching, you can do either both of them or just one of them. It depends on what gain you prefer to see the most.

When you stretch your penis, you have to focus on two things, how hard you stretch (tension) and how long each sessions would take.

If you wish, I’d recommend you to do manual stretching twice a day, once in the morning and other in the evening before hitting the hay. Each session should takes 30 minutes or longer.

Hope that helps and good luck with your newbie routine.

Best regards,


7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Welcome to the posting world cheezit,

Don’t neglect jelqing. If you want soley length that is fine. Jelqing will help you reach your goal. Stretching and jelqing compliment each other. Do them both. Your potential to gain will increase greatly.



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