BelowAvg, I know EXACTLY how you feel!!! I have been, and still am having the exact same problems. Angry is right. I sometimes feel consumed with rage… everything else in my life is good, but my fucking SMALL DICK!?! I’ve told my story before, but I’ll tell it again.
It started for me at school, roughly around 14. Some asshole (one of the school bullies) had to make the ‘maggot dick’ comment in the showers after sports. He then proceeded to tell most people at school about my small dick, and before long everyone was taking the piss. I used to fake sickies to avoid sports and NEVER showered again, although the teacher used to check if we were wet and if we weren’t he’d MAKE us shower.
I’m currently seeing (and living with) a fantastic 42 year old (I’m 26 BTW), and my problem is now our problem. She was married for 21 years and has had 4 children, and had only split up from her husband about 6 months before I met her. I was fine sexually for a while, and you know when you have conversations about sexual history etc… well she lied. I have a good memory, and she’d later slip up. After pushing her, I found out she’d been around a bit (a *lot*) after leaving him, and this made me furious with rage. Not only had she lied, but the person who I fell in love with was / had been someone completely the opposite to how I had viewed her.
I began to question her about ‘who was the biggest’ etc… getting more and more enraged I asked her ‘who was the smallest, is it me?’. I kept pushing her and she finally said that I was. So here’s this woman, who obviously likes fucking cos she tried enough people, and she’s with me, the smallest dick she’s ever seen. She’s not very vocal or reactive during sex, though she seems to thing she is, and I ALWAYS imagine her screaming and moaning with pleasure with her ‘bigger dicks’. Sometimes (about once a month) the neighbours shag, and you can hear them, especially the woman, grunts and moans… I get FUCKING furious - that’s what I want HER to do. I want her to feel that good. She says she enjoys sex, and to be fair she wants it even more that I do, but I always doubt her, I imagine that she wishes she was fucking someone bigger, someone better… She is quite large, I suppose that’s from the childbirth, and I have visions of my little dick rattling around in there, not even CLOSE to filling her.
Oh, and during her six month spree, she still went back to fuck her husband on a regular basis (once/twice a week). So I pushed about him, longer and thicker, and bigger balls… that’s nice. Now I FEEL TOTALLY WANK!?! She never offers information up, I have to push for it, so she isn’t trying to hurt me. I look at her hand around my dick and wonder what she’s thinking, trying not to get furious by how stupid it must feel compared to a real dick. Oh BTW, I’m about 6-6.25” length and 5”(or so) at the base and about 4” at the tip. Surveys say this is normal - HOW THE FUCK CAN IT BE?! Has she dropped on lucky and got an ABOVE AVERAGE dick every time? She must be the luckiest woman alive eh? Not ONE person smaller than me in her sample group? I even cover my flaccid dick with my hand when I walk around naked, because I hate her seeing it and thinking ‘my God that IS small’…
Even though I’m an adult, I feel close to tears at times. I’m losing confidence and self-esteem fast. I occasionally do a bit of PE, but I find it hard to get some privacy. I need to make time eh?
Oh and BTW, I do believe there IS a correlation between dick size and confidence (cockiness - COCK-iness).
BelowAvg, if you need to talk to someone who is where you are, then feel free… it fucking hurts doesn’t it?