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Annoying newbie problem with Jelqing

Annoying newbie problem with Jelqing

The lube i’m using is Vaseline Intensive Care. I cannot jelq.

First of all, even with the lube I always seem to stretch the skin at the bottom upwards, making it impossible to jelq in the way that the video of the jelq linked to on this thread A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises

And also, it’s a little hard to jelq without touching the thin skin at the bottom, maybe my penis too small or something.

Vaseline intensive care is horrible stuff.

Try using KY jelly or some other sexual lube. If its water based like KY it can be revived with water during the session.

What thin skin? The scrotum? It ok to touch that, its just not fun if it rides all the way up on a stroke.

Its very easy to drag a bit of skin on a jelq stroke and this isn’t necessarily problematic, just try to start with the skin pulled back as much as possible and try to be lubed enough so that skin drag is minimal.

The only problem is that the more tension the skin at the base has by the end of a stroke, the more likely you’ll end up with turkey neck.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

KY jelly I assume that is available in Boots.

Yes it is the top part of the scrotum, it may not be dangerous but it feels scary if you know what I mean.

just try to start with the skin pulled back as much as possible and try to be lubed enough so that skin drag is minimal.

You mean pull it back with my other hand? But then how do I switch from one hand to another?

Turkey neck what is that? Is it permanent or does it go away?

Thanks for quick reply man.

Is KY a “sexual lube”?

God I hate getting these kind of things, I find it embarrassing looking the assistant in the eye.

>KY jelly I assume that is available in Boots.
Yes. I’m guessing you are straight or you’d know this already :)

You could always order it over the net if you have an embarrassment problem. Or steal it from a hospital :)

You could try alternatives first: vaseline, olive oil, baby oil. Udder balm is supposed to be very good (do you live near a dairy farm?).

>You mean pull it back with my other hand? But then how do I switch from one hand to another?
Do you have a foreskin? If so jelqing maybe needs a bit more practise.

Get to the top of the stroke with one hand. Place the second hand with a very light grip a little up the shaft, release the grip slightly of the hand near the top and pull the hand near the base back and apply the new grip fully. Takes effort and a bit of practise.

>Turkey neck what is that?
Turkey neck is where the skin at the base stretches most (the scrotum is underneath so there is less resistance to stretching) so the hairy area rises up the shaft with growth and the scrotum also rises up the shaft.

> Is it permanent or does it go away?
Pretty permanent and only partially avoidable I’d say. Do a search and you’ll get a lot of information. Often happens when starting PE.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

hey man, go to a store that has those automated registers, with no one at them but just a computer…they have them at walmarts and albertson’s…at least in the city they do.. i’m in Dallas. find a store that sells ky and ring urself up @ an automatic teller…ez ez =)


What’d I do wrong?

Ahh crap. Sorry about that. I didn’t know about that stuff.

It is important to be comprehensible on the internet. Nothing’s worse than not being able to understand what someone’s trying to say. I’ll remain grammatically sound from here on out. =)

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