I’m using it for a week now. Haven’t had any gains of course.
In the beginning I thought that I was going to wear the device for like 16 hours a day, all the time I would be awake. But that turned out to be a dissapointment. There is no way I can hide it under my pants so when I go into public places or meet friends. I just cannot wear it. Usually I wear it in the evening and get to about 3 hours. I also don’t have a real idea how much tension you should put on it. The maximum doesn’t give me any problems as in pain because it’s stretching too much, but just gives problems that my head gets numb or purplish, or it’ll just slip off. I can’t wear it upright, because that way I’ll always loose it. Downwards I can wear it for as long as I like.
After 1 week my one of my straps is also wearing down, so I’m a bit worried about that.