Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

any help?

any help?

hey, I’m a new member to thunder’s place, but not to PE. I went to some websites and started trying it about 2 months ago. After a week, my girlfriend said I felt thicker. I believe this was because blood was more or less getting better circulation in my penis. After 2 weeks I stopped PE because I had read numerous articles about how many experts say it isn’t possible to extend your length or girth. I found this forum and it seems like so many people gained that it must be possible. Anyway, right now my sizes are:

5.75 NBP for length
6 BP

and girth is about 5.25

My goal is around 8-9 inches NBP for length and maybe 6-6.5 for girth.

Am I setting my goals to high? It seems like most people on the forum have only went for 1-2” for their goal gains. I have time for a morning, evening, and night workout and I would like to start a progress thread asap.
I’m not looking for huge gains to have a “porn star dick,” it is definitely for my girlfriend. Most of the guys before me had dicks (8-9.5”), but she had never experienced an orgasm. I know she loves me and does not care, but I still want to do this. It seems like by 7.5” you hit the back of the cervix, so it seems like you are at the end and anymore will hurt, but I’ve heard once you are around 8” you can penetrate the cervix it feels even better.

The last paragraph wasn’t totally necessary, but basically, my question is, do you think my goals are too high???


by the way, i just read forums for the first 7 or 8 days, this is my first post

Originally Posted by tom234098

Most of the guys before me had dicks (8-9.5”)

So most of her boyfriends had dicks in the top 1% of the population? This is the girls line equivalent to ‘I promise I won’t cum in your mouth.’

Started 10/1/04 Approaching 7x5, Going for 8x6

Thats really doesn’t matter in a study the nerves in a girl’s pussy go in about the size of your pinkie so as long as you know how to work it you can please her if anything I say how wide it is should count more

Thats not totally true, drknockboot. It is definitly feasible to be too small to reach a girls G-spot.

Hey Tom,

Welcome to Thunder’s. It is totally possible to enlarge your member. Spending five minutes on this site should tell you that. Take a look at the Pics and Progress Forums if you want more “proof”. Your goal doesn’t look too outrageous. Just don’t expect that kind of size to happen quickly. I would suggest setting a short term goal with the goal you listed above as your long term. That way you don’t get too frustrated when your not at nine inches in 6 months or even a year. Take things slow, don’t hurt yourself. The gains will come. Look around, read everything you can. If you have any questions after reading feel free to ask. This is a very helpful bunch here. Check out my signature for a few links to get you started.



>My goal is around 8-9 inches NBP for length and maybe 6-6.5 for girth.<
>Am I setting my goals to high? It seems like most people on the forum have only went for 1-2” for their goal gains.<
>I have time for a morning, evening, and night workout and I would like to start a progress thread asap.
I’m not looking for huge gains to have a “porn star dick,” it is definitely for my girlfriend. Most of the guys before me had dicks (8-9.5”), but she had never experienced an orgasm. I know she loves me and does not care, but I still want to do this.<

8NBPx6-6.5 is very big, very nice, and porn star too. That’s 2.25” extra EL, which is possible to achieve eventually if your dedication is firm enough.

>It seems like by 7.5” you hit the back of the cervix, so it seems like you are at the end and anymore will hurt, but I’ve heard once you are around 8” you can penetrate the cervix it feels even better.<

You don’t penetrate it, you grind (which won’t hurt her) and go past it into the nerve epicentre of the cul-de-sac (CDS). 8NBP is often more than enough for that.

What about a .5” gain for length in about 8 months and .25” for girth? I’m confident and feel dedicated enough to make it close, if i don’t get it, then i don’t get it…

Originally Posted by OneHungLo
So most of her boyfriends had dicks in the top 1% of the population? This is the girls line equivalent to ‘I promise I won’t cum in your mouth.’

ha ha, yes, its outrageous and really sucks, but she says I’m good in bed, but that is never really a believable statement. (She’s only been with 3 guys before me, 2 of them were above 8 inches, so that might make this seem more believable)

Given the results posted here over time half an inch in 8 months seems very reasonable as well as .25 girth. Good luck to you! Let us know how things go.


Heres my routine right now, should I add or change anything?:

5+ minutes of stretching
about 5 minutes of twisting and v-bending
200-300 jelqs
another 5 of twisting and v-bending
then some quick stretches

Be careful with the twisting and V-bending at the beginning. You want to make sure your dick is ready for that. Otherwise it looks good. My favorite saying is that in the beginning Less is More. Condition yourself so you don’t hurt yourself. Good luck to you!

Oh and check out the forum guidlines. Make sure you are using correct grammar spelling and puncutation. No chat talk here at Thunder’s. Read Read Read. Knowledge is Power.


Sorry about the grammar, I forgot to spell check.

I’m being pretty careful though, if something is causing me pain, I tend to stay away from it.


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