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Any tips on cleaning off baby oil?


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Originally Posted by iamaru
Do have a dog or cat? Simply use olive oil rather than baby oil. It is quite the same as far as your PE goes. And here is the great part. Dogs and cats love the stuff and will keep licking if there is even a hint of the stuff. How cool is that?!?

Okay…but what kind of cat do I need?


I haven’t tried it on my penis (I wouldn’t want to) but to clean my hands I use washing powder with a bit of water. It feels like you are scrubbing them with sand or something. It is very grainy being a powder. It works wonders for getting off Vaseline or anything really. I use it a lot for non PE stuff when my hands are really dirty as well as after every PE workout (I use Vaseline) and it is fantastic!

I hadn’t thought of Vaseline. It would probably be a lot less messy (the baby oil seems to get everywhere).

I just bought a few bottles of supermarket own-brand baby oil and although it does dry up quite quickly it still works and is easier to clean up than Johnson’s. I can go back to mousing and using my keyboard between sets virtually without even using a wipe.

For some reason I just always thought baby oil, since I’m going to be using it so extensively on such a sensitive part of the body.

I’m trying to simplify my routine as much as possible: reduce the time, effort and stress involved and I can’t always make repeated trips to the bathroom, so I’ve bought some hand wipes. That way I don’t have to keep making trips to the bathroom or put the extra wear on the plumbing.

That’s also one of the reasons I warm up with an IR lamp instead of a microwaved wrap. With an IR lamp the heat is instant, all it requires is flick of a switch and it doesn’t break your microwave. I keep the lamp’s on-button pressed switching it on and off at the wall so as not to wear out the button on the lamp. I’ve even got it plugged into an extension with it’s own switch so that I’m not continuously switching the existing wall-socket switch. Between that set-up and the wipes it’s a lot simpler and I don’t have to go anywhere between sets.

@iamaru: I believe it’s the ‘Persian Blue’ that’s partial to duckfat. ;)

Originally Posted by iamaru
Do have a dog or cat? Simply use olive oil rather than baby oil. It is quite the same as far as your PE goes. And here is the great part. Dogs and cats love the stuff and will keep licking if there is even a hint of the stuff. How cool is that??


I actually switched over to olive oil generally years ago, keeps the skin on my unit in incredible condition

As to the cat/ dog thingy— I prefer peanut butter.

And pretty much any cat or dog will do— stop by your ASPCA on the way home! ;)

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

To be honest I think the best thing to use is a soapy flannel. The wipes I got weren’t so great.

Here’s a completely different thought on how to deal with this.

Make sure your dick is clean before your session, apply your choice of oil sparingly (just enough to accomplish the purpose), and when you’re done, use a soft dry cloth to wipe down your dick. There’s no harm with leaving a little oil on your dick to help keep it moist. I’d be wary about using any lube that requires a lot of cleaning to remove it. Why use harsh methods on tender tissues?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Hand-dish-soap :) I remember having to wash both me and my gf in that. Really effective. Regular soap won’t have the same effect on the oil.

Srtarting stats (may 09): 16 cm (6.3") BPEL x 14 cm (5.5") EG.

August: 16,5 cm (6.5") BPEL x 14.2 cm (5.6") EG

Long term goal is the same as everyone else's on here, it seems. 8 x 6 appears to be the holy grail. :)

I don’t clean my dick off after every set, I just wash the oil off of my hands so that I can use the computer. I think soap and water is probably the best thing to use. The hand wipes don’t work too well and are full of chemicals. I’d like to maybe try out vaseline instead of oil. It seems like it might be a little less messy and I probably wouldn’t smell like babies all the time (which incidentally seems to actually be quite attractive to women (or maybe it’s just my imagination)).

As I said before I have been using Vaseline. It is pretty messy but I like the fact that you can get slow controlled jelqs from it. I have worried about regularly putting too much of it on such a sensitive area with it being non-natural but most lubes are just too slippery.

So just this week I switched to olive oil and it’s great. Much easier to clean up and is much better for the skin I hear. It was a bit too slippery the first time I used it but that was because I used too much. If you get the right amount you can get the slow jelqs like Vaseline but it is 1/10 of the hassle in clean up.


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