Are PE'ers a new Breed of People
After reading one of member Clubbers posts I started thinking about the type of people PE’ers must be.
For starters, are there a lot of us? What percentage of men actively pursue enlarging their penis through exercise and at the same time believe that it works? I have read on this very message board and heard people in interviews talking about the impossibility of permanently enlarging a penis without surgery. In fact it was the response of Clubbers friend that he posted about that brought this up; it seemed like his friend was against PE.
So, not everybody believes in PE or religion or democracy for that matter, but what is it about us that makes us believe in PE? Are we desperate, deranged, extraordinary? And on the other hand, what is it about those who don’t believe in PE and what makes some of them so anti-PE?
Just some random thoughts so bear with me and mind that I did not spend a lot of time think about this as it was more or less a spur of the moment kind of post. If anything made sense to you and you feel inclined to respond please do, even if you’re asking what the hell I just posed.