Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are your gain rates consistent

Are your gain rates consistent

I started this thread to see if I can try and predict how further gains might go.

I haven’t read this certain information anywhere yet. I know people say “you can’t predict whether you will gain or not”. And it’s true, you can’t. But can you predict how much you might gain over the next month with knowing how much you’ve already gained over the PAST month?

As a general rule, are gain rates consistent?

For example, do gains come in random blotches? Or does the penis consistently grow on a monthly or weekly basis until the newbie routine affects start wearing off?

Ok, so far we know that I’ve gained 0.25” x 0.2” (EL x EG) over the past 3 weeks. Let’s round that up to a month. So I’ve gained 0.25” x 0.2” in the past month. Does that mean I will have similar gains, assuming the exact same routine, over the next month? And the 2 months after?

I realise the penis becomes “immune” to the newbie routine after a while. But say the newbie routine remains effective over the first 4 months, does that mean I will gain 0.25 x 0.2 every month for the next 3 months?

If so, I’d be VERY happy! :D (It would result in a 7” bpel x 5.55” eg in after my 4th month! That would be amazing! Especially girth!) But it sounds too good to be true, so I had to ask.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Last edited by nick33 : 05-10-2007 at .

I think length is easier to guess at then girth - to me, girth is a pain because your penis seems to adapt to whatever is working, so you gain a bit when you switch up, but then the gains slow as your dick becomes conditioned to the stresses you place on it - short answer, no, I don’t think you can predict gains.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

My gains were pretty consistent, but I have always ben am easy gainer. IMO, gain rate should reduce over time if your routine does not change.

My gains do NOT come consistently otherwise I would have had my 8 x 6 months ago. First month gains were spectacular ;) now it is just steady.

Hmm.. Ok then, oh well.

At least I know I’m gaining anyway, so I should be able to reach my goal eventually. When that is, I don’t know. But I’ll get there. Even if I gain 0.1” a month, that’s still pretty good.

I found that my first 3 weeks of PE were pretty uneventful. Then the next 2 weeks saw gains, then the next week after that saw even more than the 2 weeks before. What’s to come?! :D I’m currently in a plateau. I hope it lasts for atleast another two months!

Also, okish6er, you should fill your stats in. I’m surprised you hadn’t done that yet. I want to check your gain progress (in easy table form).

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Hey nick,
Did you pay attention to what you were doing when you were gaining. Remember your routine for the two weeks before you gained and start that over. Might help with the plateau.

My gains have been pretty consistant as well. But I’m still getting those fast newbie gains. (I’m over 7” today :D ssshh)

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

Originally Posted by ERambone

(I’m over 7” today :D ssshh)

Already? Talk about an easy gainer. If I had your gaining rate I would reach my goal by July.

My gains were not at all consistent but then neither was my PEing. In fact it almost seemed as though my gains were more consistent when I was consistent with my PE.

Ahhh, I might be on to something here!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I wouldn’t bother with predictions. PE is not an exact science. Just keep track of your routine and when gains slow or none are seen at all (plateau), add new exercises.

Link to my PE Stats.

Goal: 9 X 6.5

Originally Posted by ERambone

Hey nick,

Did you pay attention to what you were doing when you were gaining. Remember your routine for the two weeks before you gained and start that over. Might help with the plateau.

The routine in the 2 weeks before I gained was the same, except I didn’t do it consistently enough. ;) I think I had about 2 or 3 sessions in the 2 weeks.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

It really makes me wonder about 1/4” gains in a matter of 5 weeks or something comparable to that and I have read some crazy fast and significant gain stories.

These gains have to be the result of stronger erections and not due to suspensory or tunica change. There is no way the anatomy related to ligs and tunica can be worked in such a way that would make gains like this possible.

I’m not busting on your gains, man. A 1/4” is a 1/4” no matter how you slice it or dice it. They are great and I suspect you will keep gaining. Just makes me wonder out loud and want an explanation so I’m going with better boners as the method for fast gains.

It could may well be the case. I don’t have an explanation for it, I just write down what the ruler says.

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

I’m into my 5th month. Gained 1” in first 4 months (only measure FSL, won’t measure EL till I reach my goals). I gained almost exactly 1/4” each month. I know this rate will stop soon. I’ve only done manual stretches, ADS, and a little jelqing. Focusing totally on length first. I’ve had no growth in erect girth (started at 5.5 EG, and that’s what I’m at now). Although I have gained about 1/8” my flaccid girth.

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