Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

At a crossroads: EQ, Morning Wood and Obesity

At a crossroads: EQ, Morning Wood and Obesity

Hey everyone I just want to say that I love the forum, everyone here seems to be very intelligent, understanding open and accepting. And I want to thank the mods who help keep this thing running, as well as all the gainers and veterans whose posts have inspired and helped me in beginning my training. So a big thank you to everyone is in order.

So, onto my dilemma.

I’ve read that erection quality and morning wood are PIs for whether what your doing is working or not. Good EQ and a nice stiff one in the morning mean you’re on the right track. Having bad EQ and no morning wood means you’re overworking or underworking (depending on what your EQ and MW were like before you started PEing) and basically just not getting it right. At least this is what I’ve read.

So right now my erection quality is much better than what it was before I started PEing. Whenever I’m aroused I feel harder than normal, and I’ve got a stronger libido in general. Flaccid, I’m hanging lower during the day. But my morning wood isn’t improving. In fact I woke up today with no morning wood. So I’m a little worried I’m overdoing it. The only problem is…

…I don’t remember how my morning wood was before I started PEing.

So my plan is take two weeks off from PE, as much as I hate to do it, to see if my MW improves at all. But I do have some questions for you all as well. Basically what can have an effect on morning wood, but not EQ?

Can not getting enough sleep hinder MW? Stress?

I’m overweight. Obese, in fact. The last time I went to the gym I weighed in at 240lbs with 29% body fat. Does obesity have an effect on morning wood?

Can I stretch and/or kegel in my two “off” weeks? Just stop jelqing? I’m worried I may be overworking my PC muscle, kegeling too hard or too much. I only do my kegel workout every other day, so I always make sure I have a day of rest. But I do masturbate and tend to active my PC muscle while masturbating involuntarily.

Finally, should I take more/less than two weeks off? I hate taking time off at all period, but of the posts I’ve read I’ve seen that two weeks is a good amount of time for your body to heal from the damage your idiot self has caused to it.

I appreciate any and all advice you guys have to offer.

Originally Posted by spacedude86
Can not getting enough sleep hinder MW? Stress?

I’m overweight. Obese, in fact. The last time I went to the gym I weighed in at 240lbs with 29% body fat. Does obesity have an effect on morning wood?

Yes, yes, and yes.

By all means stick with the PE and get a bigger penis but start working out and stop eating crap as well. Drop down to 210 and like magic you will have an extra inch on your NBP length. Plus you will have more energy, be more attractive, get better wood, etc..

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Yep, iamaru is correct. Overall,,,you FEEL so much better in every area of your life if your weight is reduced!

Holy. Buddy I am exactly in your shoes and I have started going back to the gym! I could stand to lose about 60 lbs so im excited to see the gains there! Hopefully you will do the same!

Nov 1, 07 - BPEL = 6 inches EG 5.2 inches, Dec 1, 07 - BPEL = 6.25 inches EG 5.9 inches

Apr 22, 08 - BPEL = 6.35 inches EG 6.1 inches

GOAL - 8 inches BPEL 7 inches EG with a new nickname... SHOCKPOUNDER

I have been slacking also and have been gaining weight. I just started back to the gym yesterday. You don’t say how tall you are because I can be 240 without even looking fat. I had lost 30 lbs and I tell you my dick never ever looked bigger but I have put back on 20 of it. So lets make a news years resolution to lose some weight and get a bigger dick:) .

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I think morning wood is overrated. You don’t remember if you had it every day before PE and it probably doesn’t matter if you have it every day after starting PE.

Two weeks off isn’t going to kill off your previous hard work. See if things improve. If not, then whatever you were doing wasn’t the problem.

You can kegel during the off time. Hard, continuous contractions are not necessary. A few hundred moderate, one-second contractions every other day are fine. They can be done in several sets throughout the day.

Relax. Your penis worked before PE. You’re now improving it. The time taken to do that or the means used are not important in the long run. Relax and do what’s needed to make it better, but don’t get upset about a few negative indicators. Cut back a little or take a break. It will all be good in the end.

Originally Posted by iamaru
Drop down to 210 and like magic you will have an extra inch on your NBP length. Plus you will have more energy, be more attractive, get better wood, etc..

I’ve got a gym membership, might as well use it properly, right? An extra inch NBP sounds amazing. Looking bigger without having to pull my fat pad back? Yes please.

Originally Posted by btamboli
Holy. Buddy I am exactly in your shoes and I have started going back to the gym! I could stand to lose about 60 lbs so im excited to see the gains there! Hopefully you will do the same!

I’m going to start a fitness progress log in the Fitness forum, you should as well. We can help keep each other in check. 60lbs is also my goal, but my first goal is 229 (below 230) then 219, 209 and so on, all the way down to 179. At 179 I’ll be content with my weight.

Originally Posted by dino9x7
I have been slacking also and have been gaining weight. I just started back to the gym yesterday. You don’t say how tall you are because I can be 240 without even looking fat. I had lost 30 lbs and I tell you my dick never ever looked bigger but I have put back on 20 of it. So lets make a news years resolution to lose some weight and get a bigger dick.

I’m only about 5’10. Most of my fat is in my hips/thighs, so people are really surprised when I tell them I weigh 240. By this time next year I plan on being 180lbs with a 7.5x5 dick. New Years resolution set!

Originally Posted by westla90069
I think morning wood is overrated. You don’t remember if you had it every day before PE and it probably doesn’t matter if you have it every day after starting PE.

Two weeks off isn’t going to kill off your previous hard work. See if things improve. If not, then whatever you were doing wasn’t the problem.

You can kegel during the off time. Hard, continuous contractions are not necessary. A few hundred moderate, one-second contractions every other day are fine. They can be done in several sets throughout the day.

From what I’ve read it seems like morning wood is the number one best PI. But mine is so erratic I can’t tell what’s going. I guess everyone’s different, and morning wood probably isn’t a reliable PI for me. But at the same time I probably shouldn’t ignore it completely. I’ll keep an eye on it. Just one, though.

I’m relieved to hear you say that two weeks won’t hurt what I’ve done so far, I don’t want to have to start all over, but I think just to be safe I’ll wait.

Is it possible to kegel too hard?

Kegel too hard? Doing that might induce muscle fatigue, but I don’t think it’s dangerous. IMO it’s just not necessary to do them with long, hard contractions to get the benefit.

Originally Posted by westla90069
I think morning wood is overrated. You don’t remember if you had it every day before PE and it probably doesn’t matter if you have it every day after starting PE.

I agree, although I wouldn’t say it’s overrated, exactly…

But I will say: if all his other signs are positive his lack of morning wood likely just has to do with his REM sleep cycle. I bet he’s getting it, he’s just not waking up with it.

Originally Posted by spacedude86
From what I’ve read it seems like morning wood is the number one best PI.

Perhaps I should give you something else to read then.

Morning wood really just means that you have woken up shortly after an REM sleep; during REM sleep we get erections. It’s part of the body’s maintenance for the organ. The blood fills the organ, flushes it out and ensures that it stays healthy.

If you have a different sleep pattern it is very possible for you to be waking up after all that has occurred. As the rest of your PI’s are so positive I would bet that you are having your share of good, solid, nocturnal erections.

If you are doubtful of this you can always take the stamp test.

Originally Posted by spacedude86
Is it possible to Kegel too hard?

What? You mean and pull something? I’d say that would be pretty unusual. I’ve never heard of it, anyway.

But, as west has indicated, it’s not really necessary to train your BC muscle for the Olympics, you just want a daily regimen of 50 or so simple Kegels to ensure that you have good muscle tone down there. If you do more you are unlikely to hurt yourself, but your resulting erections probably won’t be all that much better.

You don’t exactly need to kill yourself - or burn yourself out, instead you want to be steadily practicing them daily; just to be, and stay, healthy and toned.

As others have said, it’s not a bad plan for the rest of your body either. :)

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

These are excellent posts in response to your questions. I am continually amazed at the honest, well thought out and informative advice that people take the time to give others here at Thunder’s.

Spacedude if you are really worried about it, try drinking more water before bed. It may get you up to urinate more in the night, and I bet then you will discover some nocturnal activity.

Be happy that you can sleep well enough that you aren’t noticing the nocturnal wood. I notice it, but I would rather be sleeping soundly…

Sept. 4, '07: BPEL 6.875 inches, EG widest 5.25

Goal: Double digits

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate the advice. I do tend to sleep a lot… 8-11 hours, and the last 3 or 4 tend not to be very restful, so definitely not part of my REM sleep cycle. I’m itching to get back to PE already it’s only my third night off.

Spacedude, I just want to encourage you to keep your resolution to go to the gym. I have lost quite a bit of weight myself in the last few years. And at least in my case, I believe there has been a big impact on EQ because of:

— increased cardio activity (resulting in better blood flow)
— better general health

However be careful that you don’t focus too much on scale weight. Your goal is to lose fat, not lose weight. You want to preserve as much of your muscle mass as you can while dieting. That was a mistake I made early on.

I have noticed the PE brings on more mid-morning erections for me. Specifically, erections that want to start about 10 minutes before I get to work. Thankfully in winter, the air on the walk from the car to the building sort of kills it, and as problems go it’s pretty minor. However, PE in me leads to more spontaneous (and not quite controllable) daytime erections.


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Spacedude, I just want to encourage you to keep your resolution to go to the gym. I have lost quite a bit of weight myself in the last few years. And at least in my case, I believe there has been a big impact on EQ because of:

— increased cardio activity (resulting in better blood flow)
— better general health

However be careful that you don’t focus too much on scale weight. Your goal is to lose fat, not lose weight. You want to preserve as much of your muscle mass as you can while dieting. That was a mistake I made early on.

That’s true. It’s just I remember what it was like to weigh 175 in high school and how much energy I had. I suppose I just connect that number in my head to the good times I had during that period of my life. I am looking forward to more energy and endurance during sex as well, which will be a result of getting in better shape.

Originally Posted by UberGoober
I have noticed the PE brings on more mid-morning erections for me. Specifically, erections that want to start about 10 minutes before I get to work. Thankfully in winter, the air on the walk from the car to the building sort of kills it, and as problems go it’s pretty minor. However, PE in me leads to more spontaneous (and not quite controllable) daytime erections.

That makes sense. During the last couple weeks of my PE routine I’d noticed that on my way to work I’d be sporting hard ons in the car.


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