At what age is the penis fully grown
At what age is the penis fully grown?
Okay, sure it’s person to person, but gimme some idea.
The other day I began jelqing, as for 2 months I’ve been inconsistently doing BC muscle flexes/busy, couldn’t be bothered with my PE.
I jelqed in the shower with baby oil after putting hot water on my dong for 5 minutes.
I had no flanel.
So I didn’t do a hot wrap, I did a ‘hot spray with shower’.
Anywho I did a few jelqs and did it erect (as I was soon erect).
You’re not meant to do this but my wang was HUGE.
It was inspiring me to do more PE!! Anywho this is only because of the jelq, the ligament stuff, and it’s temporary.
Three days later my penis is still looking bigger flacid because of the other day.. Unless.. My penis is growing, or in the last stages of growth.
I’m 19, and my penis has gained thickness this year.
I’m 5’3 to 5’5 long, or 13.5 to 14 cm (super hard erection), I don’t know how to measure thickness properly (I’m a doing person and the tutorial/wikis are all bookmarked I just haven’t gotten around to them).
The thing is.. And what I want you guys to quote and reply on, is it must be true that if I started at 17, rather than 19, because I was younger, my penis slightly thinner, etc, that would have been a better time to start PE and I would have seen gains faster with less effort than a 40 year old or whatever doing PE.
I think we all agree that the younger you are the better time to get started with PE? Especially since your penis is growing anyway!?
At 19, today, I thought to myself “well I better take advantage of this ‘do it whilst it’s growing’ phase”.
So I’m going hardcore folks, an hour a day for three months, if I can keep it up, I’m going to force myself, I have a postit on my monitor right now saying “PE 1 hour daily” that I freshly wrote up..
Any comments?
The point is, what I fear is that brick wall coming towards me saying “biological clock, hormones, penis complete, 20 years of age”, so I want to get started, even without knowing the possible ‘window’ I may have before my hormonal growth stops helping my PE journey (hypothetically, I.e.: that my body accepts the PE growth, and carves my penis with it so it looks more natural, even curves up, etc, I.e.: that my penis is still growing naturally whilst I PE, and I may get better/easier gains).
I’d like to know at what age is the penis fully grown?
So there’s your context, I hope somebody else has thought of this.