Back to streches, is it too much?
So I remind all my PE career: begun on Jan this year, gained 1cm in 2-3 motnhs doign stretches Ullis and jelqs, then in the following 2 months I gained 0,4 cm extra. I stopped doing streches and I would just jqle for maintence.
Now it has been two days i stretch before jelqing. I do all streches sitting down at the toilet, Vstreches with my wrist (also called Astreches I think) and I put my dic under my tigh and stretch it down doing fulcrum, then i jelq for 10 min.
I am planning to do streches everyday 10-12 min and just jelq 5 days a week, I also strech 3-4 minuts at schoolevey 2 or 3 hours. Am I doing too many streches?
I am planning to get as ADS, extender and hanger to start learning. I will most probable lock the hanger and focus on extender.
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