Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ballooning & Viagra


Originally Posted by Titleist
You asked the question and got sound responses. I would not recommend you use Viagra as a once a week PE modality.

No one has an axe to grind. You simply didn’t like his response.

I disagree: “You don’t need to take a drug to make PE effective” is unambiguously a non sequitur.

In any case, at least “I would not recommend you use Viagra as a once a week PE modality”, as far as it goes, actually begins to address my post. So, the obvious question is: WHY do you not recommend this?

Grow up a bit. Don’t play the semantics game. You clearly understood exactly what he was saying.

I wouldn’t do it because it’s not needed for growth. Save Viagra for when you have ready ED challenges.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Grow up a bit. Don’t play the semantics game. You clearly understood exactly what he was saying.

Yes, I clearly understood what he was saying: he has an axe to grind lol. And were I take it literally, it’s a non sequitur. Take your pick.

I wouldn’t do it because it’s not needed for growth. Save Viagra for when you have ready ED challenges.

Lot’s of things are NOT NEEDED for growth: pumps, hangers, stretchers, etc. and we still use them.

Good luck!

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
Good luck!

Well, the key to excellence in anything is to seek to understand - persistently and rigorously - THE WHY behind what one is doing. This is how we discover our path, which is always slightly different from someone else’s.

And, to the extent it’s possible, this is also how we reduce the influence of “luck.” Nevertheless, I know you’re probably being facetious with that “good luck” - but I’ll take it anyway!

Thanks! :)

Last edited by Platonist : 04-05-2018 at .

Originally Posted by Platonist
I disagree: “You don’t need to take a drug to make PE effective” is unambiguously a non sequitur.

In any case, at least “I would not recommend you use Viagra as a once a week PE modality”, as far as it goes, actually begins to address my post. So, the obvious question is: WHY do you not recommend this?

Well there is always someone that knows more, especially the new people that come and they have magically found the key to PE growth. In their short time in the realm of PE they have accumulated more knowledge that many of us have taken years to acquire.

For more than 10 years and over 40, 000 posts on PE sites I may have learned a bit of something although not much. A career working with human tissue may have helped me a bit as well. We find that jelquing with a 60-70% degree of erection not chemically induced seems to give much greater tissue expansion.and much greater results.Go read some injury threads and see the number of guys who have hurt themselves jelquing at 100% erection. The tissue and vessels are already stretched to their max and more pressure put on them in that state only produces injuries.

As a weightlifter for many a year I have learned as well that to attain greater muscle mass one works out with less the maximum weight one can lift. Oh yes you can lift your max once or twice but then you need a break to allow the muscles and vessels to relax or else something gets torn.

Using an ED med and then doing PE exercises does look good. You were damned impressed with yourself weren’t you? Everything was all pumped up and ready to go, extended, dilated, and tired but at that point you feel that jelquing will take tissue already extended and get results injury free.A jelq slowly as we exercise builds up the pressure so the body can accommodate what we’re asking it to do.

Will taking an ED med increase your chance or potential fro growth? No it will only increase your chance of injury but like I said before you know better with your experience and and vast knowledge of physiolgy and human anatomy. Good luck!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55

Using an ED med and then doing PE exercises does look good. You were damned impressed with yourself weren’t you? Everything was all pumped up and ready to go, extended, dilated, and tired but at that point you feel that jelquing will take tissue already extended and get results injury free.A jelq slowly as we exercise builds up the pressure so the body can accommodate what we’re asking it to do.

Will taking an ED med increase your chance or potential fro growth? No it will only increase your chance of injury but like I said before you know better with your experience and and vast knowledge of physiolgy and human anatomy. Good luck!

I agree; I would not recommend jelqing at 100% either on V or sans V.

But, of course, I never mentioned jelqing lol.

Question: does pumping temporarily expand tissue via force beyond the normal capacity of that tissue?

When pumping is done correctly it slowly expands the tissue as does jelquing.You slowly increase the pressure in the tube but never to the extent that you over stress the tissue. Guys just love putting on that tube and going right for the max and end up injuring and deforming their penis. Far more injuries with pumping because you just sit there and all the work is done for you and it’s a constant pressure, no time to relax the tissue.Over expansion of any tissue anywhere causes injury.Remember tissue has a great capacity to expand but no one knows to what limit and therein lies the problem; trying to get too much too soon!

Originally Posted by Jimmybob55
When pumping is done correctly it slowly expands the tissue as does jelquing.You slowly increase the pressure in the tube but never to the extent that you over stress the tissue. Guys just love putting on that tube and going right for the max and end up injuring and deforming their penis. Far more injuries with pumping because you just sit there and all the work is done for you and it’s a constant pressure, no time to relax the tissue.Over expansion of any tissue anywhere causes injury.Remember tissue has a great capacity to expand but no one knows to what limit and therein lies the problem; trying to get too much too soon!

I totally agree; and I can see the potential danger of pumping; particularly if done mindlessly - and a real temptation might set in to see it huge. Actually, to be honest pumping without a gauge scares me - tried it once with a bathmate and threw it away.

Now, as far as ballooning goes, I was ballooning intermittently before I knew what ballooning was - it just seemed like a good way to exercise my dick and develop control/stamina, among other things.

Now that I’ve started doing PE, I have refined that practice a bit and am starting to work it into my routine. Now, it just happened (I didn’t plan it or think about it) that I was ballooning a few hours after sex with my wife and yes, there was quite a bit more expansion - and immediately it was obvious, “duh, the V probably dilated/relaxed etc.” - so it was sort of an accidental discovery.

Was or IS it dangerous? Well, I don’t know exactly - which is why I started this thread.

It does seem to me that the tissue expansion involved is fairly self-limiting and somewhat organic in the nature of the increase (rather than mechanically forcing it via a pump or a clamp, etc. even sans V - and, obviously clamping/pumping with V would be seriously skirting danger.)

Sorry but once a week doing anything that has to do with pe doesn’t sound like it would be worth my time and couldn’t see how someone would think that it would or could help them. And taking 1 Viagra or Calais a week isn’t gonna hurt anyone. But someone like yourslef who is so impressed with his outcome from it may end up doing it once a week then twice then three times a week. Next thing you know your body starts to adapt to it. Meaning you may end up taking more eventually because one might not give you the same results like the first or fith time. And sooner or latter you may end up with a problem because your body is gonna think it needs it. Jmo, the reason I bring this up is because I have 2 bodybuilder friends who took Viagra and Calais depending what was available at the time. They took for the pumps before they worked out. They both started with one then they needed more. One of them couldn’t afford it anymore while my other friend kept taking them. Well he fucked himself because of a pump. Now when he gets hard he said it’s not a 100% anymore. He told me this about 3 months ago and not to long ago he was telling me he is just now back to normal. Will this happen to everyone? I don’t know but I do know this I’m not willing to waste my money for a little extra plump or risk not having a full erection. Don’t get me wrong I’ll take one myself I don’t see anything wrong with it if not over used. But using it once a week for p.e. is useless. Your better off using that pill to spank your lady and not on p.e. jmo

You want more expansion, or perhaps better blood flow. Eat a cleaner diet, create a vascular environment by eating things that have citrulline or arginine in it, which is converted into nitric oxide. Or even supplement with citrulline or arginine.

That’s a healthier alternative to what you are seeking, without dancing with the vulnerability and dependency that viagra over time can create. It is just not natural so risk is a possibility, and that’s why most guys here tell you it’s not necessary. Because it’s only necessary, to make gains might I add, if you truly need it because of ED. Even then it’s not necessary, but very helpful if blood flow is an issue.

Start- Nov 2017 BPEL-7.2 NBPEL-6.75 MEG-4.75

Updated- BPEL-7.75 NBPEL-7.2 MEG-5

*GOAL- BPEL-8 NBPEL-7.5 MEG-5.5* My journey —>New Guy In Town Progress Report

Originally Posted by Platonist
Greetings, I’m eight weeks into my first conditioning; great results so far: 5” flaccid hang most days, far more vascularized, superb EQ/stamina, and pretty sure I have erect gains but waiting to measure at the 90 day mark.

Once in a while I use viagra recreationally - and the other morning I did with my wife. A few hours later did some ballooning - and my cock was huge, veiny, longer/thicker, with my normal upward curving, 10:30 angle. It almost didn’t look like my cock haha.

The rest of the day my dick was meatier than ever - long, thick, vascularized, plump, heavy.

To me this seems the ideal PE. I may do this once a week.

I don’t really see a downside, unless there is increased risk? Anyone do this regularly?

I would say there’s a possibility of increased risked with thypes of PE like ballooning or clamping as it could potentially hide an injury. Other types of less intense PE methods doing this would be less risky imo but you’ll get false gains either way, again imo.


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