Thanks Alice. Your kind words brightened my day. I’ll point to your post next time I ask Thunder for a raise. ;)
I think we have an obligation to point out BS when we see it. A few guys may experience some kind of improvement using a ball zinger. I’m not saying it does absolutely nothing for everyone, or that the few here who say it works for them are lying. However, I’ll bet a cock ring would produce the same results.
The few selling Tom’s design haven’t bothered to experiment, even on themselves, to see if the electric component makes any difference in their “results.” If I thought zingers worked I’d certainly do some testing.
To date, the main discussion has been whether ball zingers are helpful. What about the flip side of that? Are they harmful? Is buzzing your nuts maybe a bad thing in the long run? I don’t know if this applies or not, but it should raise some eyebrows.
A guy in the MOS thread linked above reported his testosterone went down after wearing it. Yes, he actually had it tested before and after. He also felt symptoms of low T develop, so it is unlikely the second test was a fluke. Granted, the zinger may not be responsible. Or it may. Whatever the case, it didn’t maintain his T level, much less increase it as some have advertised.
I’ve seen posts by a few others who believe the zinger had negative health consequences.
Supra claimed the zinger raised his testosterone. I don’t have the post handy, but I remember reading it. When looking at the dates and figures he provided, it appeared to me, contrary to his claims, his T was actually lower after having worn the thing. Either way, whatever he said should be discounted because he isn’t trustworthy. Plus, he was using various drugs at the time.