My opinion, although maybe I should have started a thread about it.
Some, NOT ALL, of the reported injuries, are mainly, mental issues.
How does this happen? Well , IMO, it depends on the person and how his brain is wired. When starting PE, you start touching your penis, for other than sexual reasons.
So, it is possible for the brain to get confused at first. It is known as lost sensitivity. or in other case hypersensitivity or EQ issues, etc.
Think about this, most exercises need a plump penis.Which means you must force the brain, NOT to cause a full erection, so you can perform the exrecises correct, when you touch yourself. But the brain is wired to always deliver to an overall healthy man, a full erection, when touching himself for any other reson than peeing.
So, the brain gets confused. But…. the human brain has the ability to adapt in time. So…it just needs time.
Taking the above into consideration, as a man and a PEer, I wouldn’ t be surprised if I had some hard time getting a full erection by myself, for masturbation. I am refering to the self touching.
I want you to know that I rarely masturbate and when I did masturbate in the begining I rarely got 100% erections after starting PE.
BUT… follow me on this, I get rock hard erections when I am having sex with my wife. No problem what so ever. Do you know why?
Cause the brain recognises a different situation than self touching and delivers a full erection. And since I have a conditioned form PE penis the EQ is top quality.
Now, you can have EQ issues during sex. But this is only because of stress that your penis doesn’t work properly anymore when YOU touch it.
You see my point? Do not get generally stressed because your brain has a hard time to decide what to do when you are ALONE with your penis.
You will mess your head and that will fuck you pretty bad. In time the brain will adapt to the new situation and will have the ability to distinct masturbation time, so I deliver a hard erection and PE time, so I deliver less.
That’s my opinion. I am no doc, but I strongly believe these are accurate.