Bathmate x30 help
I have had bathmate x20 for 8 months and had great success with it, having fun and gaining. I just got a x30 3 weeks ago, and have had a hard time using it, hard to get. Good suction, I used a couple days, and didnt get any pump it did not get a suction. I would pump and the bellows would pump and then in 1 or 2 seconds release, losing pressure, it never really gets a good pump or suction, I think it is either because of the new shorter comfort pad or because of the valve, when I try moving the pip to the sides to closed position it feels like it isn’t in the right position and idk it feels like it moves to open position and then I put on and move to open it doesn’t seem to be in the correct open spot it like isn’t exact in the middle or something. I have extra valve I think the came with the bathmate I might try putting that one on but idk, I did take a week break and then pumping and it worked awesomely I got huge great pump session. Was biggest ever had been. Was so excited for next sessions for the future and next day comes and it doesn’t work. I felt down and was like WTF. I have since stopped but want to find a solution, because I had such great gains with x20 and fun. I think it is a great thing for EQ and gains and stamina and blood flow for healthier more oxygenated unit and vernier and just everything . So has anybody had same or similar problems that know what I can do or what is going on, if my thinking is correct or what I should do? Thanks Hope I can figure this out.
10/06/16 FL: 3.75 FG: 4.25 BPEL: 5.4 EG: 5.1
04/08/17 FL: 5.00 FG: 5.50 BPEL: 6.125 EG: 5.75