Belt jelq, belt stretching
I had to figure this out because I hate manual exercises.
These excercises uses a 2 ring belt. Like a cheap belt.
You loop it normally and then double it back and loop it again. If you don’t understand, experiment with what I’m saying. You should figure it out. Then you get a wrap at the base tighten and jelq. And every stroke is a powerjelq now.
Then the belt stretching is taking the same belt and when you get to the double back part, you wrap it around your bed frame. So you will have two loops like an infinity sign. ONe of these loops will be around the bedframe. The other is where you tighten, wrap and insert. It will be a noose for your dick and you can literally lean in all directions pulling ligs, inner penis, everything.
I can’t do manual stretching with my hands, shit just hurts my hands