Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Best Girth Gaining Methods?



Be careful with these squeezes, you really want to spend a while (2 months +) jelqing to build your penis’ ability to withstand the pressure of a Horse440 or a ULI. Pushing too far early on is a common cause of injury.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally posted by ThunderSS

I see that you have upgraded to the Intergalactic Disguise Kit. Nice.

Well thank you very many. That was an easy decision to make, because obviously I’m not only spying here on earth. It cost a lot though.

A Man behind his mask.

ha, thanks Johan

Hey, momento, thanks for the post. I have been jelqing for about 5 months actually. I almost quit but then I found this place.

I actually tried some horses yesterday and I got red spots all over the place! I didn’t do any warm up or pre-jelqing though so that’s probably part of the reason. I just wanted to see how they worked.

>I have been jelqing for about 5 months actually.
Ok If you posted that already, sorry I should read first and post later.

Yeah its good to warm up and jelq beforehand. Probably best to ease into them even though you’ve been jelqing awhile.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.


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