Best way to warm up and down
This has probably been brought up before but I just had a brain wave on how to warm up in a subtle way so your mum/dad/girlfriend/flatmate doesn’t ask awkward questions about the rice sack you keep putting in the microwave, or the hot water bottle you always have (even in the summer), or whichever way you warm up and down.
A nice hot cup of tea!!
Yep just get a nice cup of tea (you can tell I’m English right?) take it up to your room and then just press it against your unit slowly rotating it to get nice coverage around it’s circumference!! I’ve found that it helps not to fill it up to the top to avoid spilling boiling hot tea on my balls!! Lol
Yeah that is the risk of this technique but I have finally found a way of doing warm ups in my room when my mum is in!!
That’s all really just a bit of a real through for me!! What techniques have you guys found??