Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Big Length Gain with Questions after 2 months

Big Length Gain with Questions after 2 months

I bought an extender about 2 months ago and have gone from about 7” BPEL (didn’t take exact measurements back then) to right at 8” BPEL in that time. About 3-4 weeks ago I started jelqing again for 25 mins at a time between 4 and 5 times a week. I had previously jelqed for a while when I was a sophomore in high school (almost 5 years ago) and went from about 6” to 7.5” in I’d say 3 months of jelqing. My gains then were no doubt helped by natural growth at that age.

However, I seem to be losing a little in girth over these 2 months. I’ve gone from varying between 5.2 and 5.4 to being right at 5”. What could I be doing wrong? Is using the extender for 5-6 hours a day the same day I’ve jelqed causing me to get thinner? (I always wait about 3 hours after jelqing before putting on the extender to give myself a break) Another thing I’m thinking it might be is that over the same time period I’ve been working out a lot, and have lost 19 lbs since then (215 to 196-197). Could losing weight also cause my cock to get skinnier as well? What kind of exercises would you recommend adding in for girth?

Originally Posted by BigE7
Another thing I’m thinking it might be is that over the same time period I’ve been working out a lot, and have lost 19 lbs since then (215 to 196-197). Could losing weight also cause my cock to get skinnier as well? What kind of exercises would you recommend adding in for girth?

In answer to this, no. Losing weight may have led to your length increase however, if you have lost any weight from your fat pad (The area of fat that lies in front of your pubis).

If your conditioned look into clamping or pumping for girth, or Jelqing at a higher intensity can also be a manual option. The problem is some people believe the adding girth makes it harder to add length (I also believe this, although its not proven). You may want to read around the subject abit before making your decision, use the forum search.
In my opinion reach your length goal > cement your length goal > work on your girth > cement girth.

Look around see what you can find.

Good luck

PS. If the problem is that you have a girlfriend currently and are worried that losing girth may cause a loss of sensation for her, you could always use a pump to add temporary girth before sex, instead of pumping for gains.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Originally Posted by BigE7
However, I seem to be losing a little in girth over these 2 months. I’ve gone from varying between 5.2 and 5.4 to being right at 5”. What could I be doing wrong? Is using the extender for 5-6 hours a day the same day I’ve jelqed causing me to get thinner? (I always wait about 3 hours after jelqing before putting on the extender to give myself a break) Another thing I’m thinking it might be is that over the same time period I’ve been working out a lot, and have lost 19 lbs since then (215 to 196-197). Could losing weight also cause my cock to get skinnier as well? What kind of exercises would you recommend adding in for girth?

You will not lose girth when you lose weight.

Just start a girth routine and you will get your girth back in no time. What Kesman says about first reaching your length goal is nonsense. I did both simultaneously and gain big on both length and girth. My increased didn’t limit my length gains, I am positive. There isn’t a reason why it would for you.

Originally Posted by Bird2
You will not lose girth when you lose weight.

Just start a girth routine and you will get your girth back in no time. What Kesman says about first reaching your length goal is nonsense. I did both simultaneously and gain big on both length and girth. My increased didn’t limit my length gains, I am positive. There isn’t a reason why it would for you.

You don’t buy into it at all?

And looking at the stats you entered in the PE database

2005-08-18 7.750 6.250
2005-10-04 7.750 6.500
2005-12-30 8.000 6.700
2006-03-30 8.200 6.700

Notice that infact you havent worked both simultaneously. Your girth increased first, then length and girth, then just length.

Hmmm interesting, did you ever focus on one more than the other at any point?


Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

Originally Posted by Kesman
You don’t buy into it at all?

And looking at the stats you entered in the PE database

2005-08-18 7.750 6.250
2005-10-04 7.750 6.500
2005-12-30 8.000 6.700
2006-03-30 8.200 6.700

Notice that infact you havent worked both simultaneously. Your girth increased first, then length and girth, then just length.

Hmmm interesting, did you ever focus on one more than the other at any point?


Ever thought about the option that I miscalculated because the stats site only uses inches as calculation, not cm.

Aside from that I made big gains before I joined TP.

Now only length grows because 6.7” is my girth goal :) .

Fair enough.

Starting Stats: BPEL- 5 2/8" BG- 4 4/8" MSG - 4 4/8" - Jan 2006

Goals: Till Mrs. K, can't take no more. :rear:

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