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Big lumps on scrotom sack

Big lumps on scrotom sack


I have these big lumps on scrotum sack. About 8 of them. Some are as big as a piece of rice. They are very hard. I went to 2 different doctors and they said that they are totally normal. Does any one else have this?

Do you shave, pluck or wax or something? Because I noticed I got a few just from ingrown hairs when I shaved

No that is exactly what you would think, and that is what it looks like.

But no I don’t shave, or wax

I did try to give one a bit of a hack once, to make sure it wasn’t a hair, and it just hurt, and I am pretty sure that it is not.

Doctors said that they remove it and I would need stitches, looks to small a thing for stitches.

Any one else have these?

I have one, not sure if it is same as you describe but is it hard, small and yes hurt if you try to pop it sort of, mine would no be size of rice though maybe half that not noticeable at all never worried me so I have not gone as far as you but if it worried you, you may aswell get it taken off if you have that much of a problem with it

Would be forever indebted for an answer

If you do a search (search button, top right of every page) for “Fordyce” you’ll get about a dozen links. Half of those are member’s pics in the Spanish language forum showing their sebaceous spots.


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