Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Black Newbie here ;-)


Black Newbie here ;-)

Hello fellas!

I’ve been lurking this forum for a few months and have finally decided to register and participate. I’ve been PE’ing on and off for about a year now but never fully committed myself to a steady program regiment: Hence, no appreciable gains ;-(

My technique primarily consisted of the “Power Jelq” device, and I was also considering buying an electric pump to compliment the jelqing exercises.

This PE’ing also poses a unique challenge to me because I’ve sustained a spinal cord injury many years ago that has left me paralyzed, and I don’t have much sensation in my penis. It has atrophied or shrinked over the years, too. I think this may be due to poor circulation and the fact that my veins tend to contract alot — thereby affecting the blood flow.

Because of my physical condition, I have to frequently rely on home health aides (they’re called “Personal Care Attendants”) to help me shower and dress, thus exposing my little penis (4.8”L x 5.0”W) quite OFTEN …causing me an inordinate amount of shame, guilt, and embarrassment!! The women even *playfully* giggle and tease me about my size sometimes.

Anyway, I hope to finally stick to a routine that will benefit me this time…the embarrassment and overwhelming sense of shame and emotional pain has sometimes led to suicidal ideation but I never carried it out yet.

A belated welcome D_Nice78,

I guess without much sensation you are going to have to watch what you are doing more than the rest of us.

>The women even *playfully* giggle and tease me about my size sometimes. <

That’s really shitty, aren’t they supposed to be professionals? Hardly professional.

You have had a rough ride, and you clearly have much courage and fortitude. With such determination you will succeed and in all probability put many of us to shame. Think of joining Thunder’s place as a new beginning and don’t look back, only look forward. I wish you welcome and I wish you well. It is not often I get to be at the front of the queue and there will be. This is the place where friendships are made to last.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

mem. does it again!!! While I was beavering away, he butts in first, as usual. Well, second in the queue it is then. lol

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Rousseau506 and Memento,

Thanks for the warm welcome and kind words of encouragement…I appreciated it much!

And yes, Memento…I’ll need to be especially carefull in my PE exercises due to the loss of sensation. About the Aides: They are suposed to be “professional” and all, but I think that because they’ve worked with me for so long it gives them a “right” to joke and kid around with me. It hurts mealot, but strangely I don’t get angry with them because I know they’re telling the truth.


You by no means have the shortest penis around and with a 5” girth you are above average. Is your length of 4.8” BPEL and your 5.0” measurement is erect girth, right?

If they have been around you for some time and to some extent you trust them, then maybe you should tell them how hurtful they are being? Are they seeing the patient and not the man?

D Nice,

First off welcome to the forum.

I think a pump may be beneficial to you in getting more bloodflow to the penis. Have you considered any supplements? Perhaps arginine and ginko biloba would help with bloodflow.

I’m rouss, he’s mem., you’re nice. Far too nice actually, give them a sharp piece of your mind. Once should be enough.

Donate to Thunder's Place and help save the daffodils :spin2: , but remember to add an extra 30 cents every time :leftie:

Hi D,

Welcome aboard.

Seems as though blood flow is a primary concern. Are you able to control your urine flow using your PC muscle? If so, you should start training that muscle by doing kegels. Even if it seems like very little is happening, if you can begin training this muscle, it will make a big difference.

I also think a pump would be a good idea although I’m wondering if a manual pump with gauge might be a better choice for you. I have read that the electric pumps can go haywire pressure wise and it might be difficult for you to sense when something was going wrong.

Originally Posted by memento
You by no means have the shortest penis around and with a 5” girth you are above average. Is your length of 4.8” BPEL and your 5.0” measurement is erect girth, right?

My measurements are ALL ENBP. However, my FL is very small and on occassions my length is barely and inch long at times.

Originally Posted by memento
If they have been around you for some time and to some extent you trust them, then maybe you should tell them how hurtful they are being? Are they seeing the patient and not the man?

Actually, I’ve told one lady that it hurts me to hear her joke about me like that and she did stop for awhile. But the fact of the matter is this, Memento: I was paralyzed since age 19 and I’m now 40. Over the years I’ve withstood NUMEROUS comments about my small size from many different Aides and have learned to *tolerate* and expect it now — albeit hurtful.

Besides, they’ll snicker regardless of whether they’re in my presence or not. And even if I were to fire them and hire new ones the same scenario is very likely to be the same, so in this regard my only way to get through this is to simply *tolerate* it. Unfortunately this is a no-win situation for me because I need and depend on those Aides for my survival.


Very good to have you here.. My heat goes out to you with your condition but you have found the right place to be… If I can ever be of help to you PM me and I’ll move you to the top of the list… BTW if you are 4.8 x 5 in a limp state you are anything but small…



I get your point, you don’t want to annoy the people providing care, and there’s always a certain amount of humour that goes with their job.

21 years must provide you with a thick skin and I guess in PE you’ve found an alternate solution.

I think they have the problem though, not you.

Thanks for the *welcomes* Insane_Man and gprent101…my comments are interspersed below:

Originally Posted by Insane_Man
I think a pump may be beneficial to you in getting more bloodflow to the penis. Have you considered any supplements? Perhaps arginine and ginko biloba would help with bloodflow.

I haven’t tried any supplements as of yet, but I will take in consideration of them now. Thanks for the recommendations :-)

Originally Posted by gprent101
Seems as though blood flow is a primary concern. Are you able to control your urine flow using your PC muscle? If so, you should start training that muscle by doing kegels. Even if it seems like very little is happening, if you can begin training this muscle, it will make a big difference.

I also think a pump would be a good idea although I’m wondering if a manual pump with gauge might be a better choice for you. I have read that the electric pumps can go haywire pressure wise and it might be difficult for you to sense when something was going wrong.

I have no control of my PC muscle so I’m out of luck there. My spinal cord was completely severed along the lower cervical section — which has also affected my ability to strongly grasp things with my fingers. For that reason I’m not sure if a manual pump is suitable for me or not due to the required amount of hand pressure.

And yes, as you and Insane_Man said, the blood flow is definately a concern for me and I need to work on that problem as well.

Welcome “D” I am going to be 50 next month and more times than I care to mention, women have made hurtful and rude comments about my size. I know they don’t mean to be cruel, but that did not keep me from having very low self esteem in that category. This site has been so helpful for me in that regard. Although I am a newbie too, already I feel better about myself and am looking forward to what the future may bring. Good luck with your exercises and be careful.

Thank you *very much* regularwhiteguy ;-) I’m glad I found this place! Anyway, those measurements were my Erect sizes.


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