Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Body fat and when to start PE

Body fat and when to start PE

Hi guys,

I am currently 123kg and about 10-15kg overweight. I’m 6 foot 3.

I would just like to know: Would it be more beneficial to lose the weight first and get relatively lean before I start PE or can I start now, being overweight ?

My theory is that my dick will be uneven in girth if I start now and once I have lost the weight the girth will be disproportionate / uneven.

What do you guys think ?

Would really like to start now WHILE I’m losing weight.

The weight will take a few months to come off, but I’m working at it currently!

Thank you,

You can start now. It will have no consequence on your penis.

The earlier the better.

January 7th 2021 : NBPEL : 5.19" ; BPEL : 5.7" ; MEG : 4.5"

April 14th 2021 : NBPEL : 5.5" ; BPEL : 6" ; MEG : 4.64"


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