Bodybuilding with tattoos.lot.
HI this is my first post and time here but have been peing for 2-3 months with gains but was measuring wrong(which ill start doing right)It’s funny I was looking for PE sites and bodybuilding sites but came across thunders who has both.Very pleased I found thunders and would just like to say what a excellent site it is.Anyway iv been wanting to start bodybuilding to look buff but iv got heavy tattoo coverage and was wondering will it look shit being buffed up with tats or not,I just want your opinions on it.If you think it will look shit then ill just get toned.Another question(please don’t through your computer out the window because of another lot question)but I just want it in simple terms if iv got a high angled erection what do I stretch.I seem to feel a good stretch when stretching down?Thanks guys and thanks thunder once again.