Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

BPFSL Same Before And After Workout

BPFSL Same Before And After Workout

Is it bad if my BPFSL is measuring the same pre and post stretch routine? I feel like I’m genuinely getting a good stretch when I do my workouts. I feel like I’m specifically targeting the ligs. I had minimal gains during the newbie routine and haven’t had much of anything after (3-4 months).
Is this fine, or is this a problem that I’m not gaining stretched length after my workouts?
If not, what should I do?

My routine: (2) 30 seconds down to the left
(2) 30 seconds down to right
1 minute up
1 min straight out
2 min behind right leg
2 min behind left leg
2 min between the cheeks..

As I said I feel a solid good stretch feeling during my workout.

Originally Posted by Johnny2869
Is it bad if my BPFSL is measuring the same pre and post stretch routine? I feel like I’m genuinely getting a good stretch when I do my workouts. I feel like I’m specifically targeting the ligs. I had minimal gains during the newbie routine and haven’t had much of anything after (3-4 months).
Is this fine, or is this a problem that I’m not gaining stretched length after my workouts?
If not, what should I do?

My routine: (2) 30 seconds down to the left
(2) 30 seconds down to right
1 minute up
1 min straight out
2 min behind right leg
2 min behind left leg
2 min between the cheeks..

As I said I feel a solid good stretch feeling during my workout.

I guess it would be better and maybe critical to have a differens pre/post workout. Are you using any heat?

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I guess it would be better and maybe critical to have a differens pre/post workout. Are you using any heat?

Yeah man 10-15 min heat pack before my workouts… if there is a difference it’s no more than an 1/8th of an inch. Hard to see variations that small on the ruler sometimes.

I figured it would be critical, maybe I’m just pulling so hard to measure before that it doesn’t make a difference?

Originally Posted by Johnny2869
Yeah man 10-15 min heat pack before my workouts… if there is a difference it’s no more than an 1/8th of an inch. Hard to see variations that small on the ruler sometimes.

I figured it would be critical, maybe I’m just pulling so hard to measure before that it doesn’t make a difference?

If you’d like to do an experiment, I’d love to see if your penis reacts to force the same way mine does.

For me, when I measure flaccid stretched length, then tug the penis with a good amount of force, wait a minute or so, then measure flaccid stretched length again the second flaccid stretched length is shorter than the initial measurement.

I can get an increased flaccid length stretch from high force stretching over about 30 minutes using an extender or weight, and that increase in length (which also shows up in erect length) persists for a little while before reducing stretched flaccid length and erect length for a few days.

I’ve been calling it the contraction response here, because it reminds me of contracture in other tissues.

But I don’t have enough info to know if this is a common phenomenon or something specific to me. If it can be verified to be a common phenomenon, maybe we can go to work quantifying how much force or force and time triggers it. If it turns out to be triggered by the same amount of force, we can go about testing whether or not there are more gains when the force used is just below what triggers contraction.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
If you’d like to do an experiment, I’d love to see if your penis reacts to force the same way mine does.

For me, when I measure flaccid stretched length, then tug the penis with a good amount of force, wait a minute or so, then measure flaccid stretched length again the second flaccid stretched length is shorter than the initial measurement.

I can get an increased flaccid length stretch from high force stretching over about 30 minutes using an extender or weight, and that increase in length (which also shows up in erect length) persists for a little while before reducing stretched flaccid length and erect length for a few days.

I’ve been calling it the contraction response here, because it reminds me of contracture in other tissues.

But I don’t have enough info to know if this is a common phenomenon or something specific to me. If it can be verified to be a common phenomenon, maybe we can go to work quantifying how much force or force and time triggers it. If it turns out to be triggered by the same amount of force, we can go about testing whether or not there are more gains when the force used is just below what triggers contraction.

That’s super interesting… I’ll give it a go and get back to you on that!

If I stretch for 30 sec hard, then stretch again for another 30 sec, it’s usually between 0,2-0,5cm longer. I can stretch longer in different directions, not easily, but it doesn’t always translate into bpfsl measured normally from the top.

But I am also confused here because I can’t seem to go past that without either pressing different with the ruler on the base or maybe even bending the ruler or something. If I measure with my left hand while stretching with the right, I don’t know exactly why but it’s shorter than when I measure with the right while stretching with the left hand.

Either way, I measure in lots of ways before/after just to be sure, and the increase after stretching is visible, as it was since I started PE with manual stretching and jelqing.

I guess I have to master my grip, as I am gripping the glans directly now. I was pulling skin as well before when I started but I could pull a lot harder grabbing the skin as well.

What do you guys think?

Imo, if we don’t see any bpfsl after our workouts, we’re doing it wrong.

My suggestion is to measure consistently with the same ruler and tape. Changing things up just introduces the potential for confusion.

I would also suggest that you are measuring too frequently. Back off to every other week, perhaps monthly.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
If you’d like to do an experiment, I’d love to see if your penis reacts to force the same way mine does.

For me, when I measure flaccid stretched length, then tug the penis with a good amount of force, wait a minute or so, then measure flaccid stretched length again the second flaccid stretched length is shorter than the initial measurement.

I can get an increased flaccid length stretch from high force stretching over about 30 minutes using an extender or weight, and that increase in length (which also shows up in erect length) persists for a little while before reducing stretched flaccid length and erect length for a few days.

I’ve been calling it the contraction response here, because it reminds me of contracture in other tissues.

But I don’t have enough info to know if this is a common phenomenon or something specific to me. If it can be verified to be a common phenomenon, maybe we can go to work quantifying how much force or force and time triggers it. If it turns out to be triggered by the same amount of force, we can go about testing whether or not there are more gains when the force used is just below what triggers contraction.

Something similar on my end as well. I think varying force, even routine may be the answer.

There is no try, just do...


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