Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Brainwashing Techniques

Thank you. I am used to massage my penis like rolling the noodle. And most of Thais who want to large the penis, use NAM MAN JING LEN to rub penis, a herbal gel.

I have been at this three years, and finally found the quick way.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Hello I am new to penis extenders. Suggest me the best extenders regarding comfort and best results.

Do I need supplements to enlarge my penis with jelqing and stretching.


Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

(: the title, haha!

Superb content tho, thanks.

Start 6.8” x 4.7” (4.9" BEG)

Latest 8.2” x 5.1” (5.3" BEG)

My pictures

Bigger And Better

Fly greg is so right

I want my gfs to be like whoa!

I could use some brainwashing. I am not a true believer (in anything) and I don’t think I can last the distance. I want fast gains, it is not a lot, about 3 cm. That would give me a 20 cm erect penis. Reading the forum posts and advice it seems that gaining a tiny 1.2 cm could take you ages of stretching, ADS, pumping, jelqing, kegels.. I don’t have the patience of Job, but I will persist for some months doing the exercises.

I am doing this for myself, not any other person, as I don’t care about their opinions, just my own.

Great read!

This does not pertain to those people with deep insecurities that have become serious issues for them and made them avoid women because of their sense of inadequacy.

Being able to add some size to where a person no longer feels that horrible sense of shame, inadequacy and total avoidance, and the effect on their nervous system that deep toxic insecurities have, will make a dramatic difference in their lives if they were to be able to grow beyond that and never have that tormenting their psyche again.

To be able to have sex where you are fully able to enjoy it 100% and let go without feeling shame or as if she’s not enjoying it, would be a major think for many people.

These people are different from those guys who have a normal, average dick that does not make them the butt of jokes amongst the women in their social circles but still want to add three inches for the sake of vanity. Different kettle of fish altogether.

The rest of the post is sound.

The worst part is most people call average small.

Originally Posted by 12x12cm

The worst part is most people call average small.

I think you are wrong here. Most guys here don’t call average small. But most of us call average to small for them self. We are here to get bigger than average and I belief that most of us do it for our self, not wife or girlfriend.

I’m know that I could give my gf orgasm with only a 4 inch cock. Some of the most intense orgasms she has is when I cum on her pussy and then rub in my load with my hand and with only one or two fingers 3-4 cm inside of her. She ask for me to do just that more than anything else. But on the other side I’m also 100% sure that she get turned on by the visual of a big cock and loves to play with it and suck it. I think the mental part of having a big dick is rewarding for both the man and the woman.

190416 Bpel 16,5 Bpfsl 16,5 Meg 14,2 Beg 15,0

210312 Bpel 19 Bpfsl 19,6 Meg 14,5 Beg 15,3

___Gain Bpel +2,5 Bpfsl +3,1 Meg +0,3 Beg +0,3

Originally Posted by Patrik_16
I think you are wrong here. Most guys here don’t call average small. But most of us call average to small for them self. We are here to get bigger than average and I belief that most of us do it for our self, not wife or girlfriend.
I’m know that I could give my gf orgasm with only a 4 inch cock. Some of the most intense orgasms she has is when I cum on her pussy and then rub in my load with my hand and with only one or two fingers 3-4 cm inside of her. She ask for me to do just that more than anything else. But on the other side I’m also 100% sure that she get turned on by the visual of a big cock and loves to play with it and suck it. I think the mental part of having a big dick is rewarding for both the man and the woman.

It absolutely is rewarding and can make sex so much better because they are turned on more, and just much more additional benefits besides.

To some men, if they got gains like some of those in the picture proof section, it would dramatically change them and make their sex life way more free and rewarding.

I know it will for me, but I do also work on the mental and emotional aspects along with the physical aspects alone and becoming more secure in your manhood and knowing that you excite partners that you are with, and are never secretly disappointing them, could change a man’s self image profoundly. If a holistic approach like that is taken, that touches on all bases.

I do get where Mem was coming from though, I just know, that like having money and being financially free, that would make a massive positive difference in people’s lives.


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