Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Branch in the road

Branch in the road

Hey guys, checking in again.

Currently I’m 7.375” in length and no girth changes, still at 5.375.. I’ve been doing my pretty basic routine for awhile now and am slowly growing curious as to new methods (once my gains slow down/stop) my long term goal is 9x7. I have a couple questions, first, is it recommended to exercises for girth AND length at the same time (hanging and clamping) I don’t mean the exact same time but as part of the same routine or can I only really get gains one at a time. If that’s the case would doing clamping for girth first till I reach around 6 inches make it alot harder for me to gain length? Currently I’m still gaining pretty well but I’m just looking to expand my routine. Oh yeah, of course. My routine: I have a very sketchy routine which involves a mixture of manual stretching, dry jelqing and manual clamping mixed together to accomodate fluctuating erection levels. I basically do anywhere from 1-3 hours a night doing 2-3 nights in a row if I’m not extremely sore and then take a day off OR do day on day off if I’m extremely sore (3 hour plus work outs) basically I just let my body tell me what he wants instead of trying to stick to a orderly routine. Are girth exercises (manual clamping) inhibiting my length gains? Should I lay off the manual clamping and just do stretches for length till my gains stop? Any replies will be greatly appreciated, thank you. Oh, also, are there any specific stretches you have had alot of length gains with?

>is it recommended to exercises for girth AND length at the same time (hanging and clamping) I don’t mean the exact same time but as part of the same routine or can I only really get gains one at a time.

Opinions vary. I think that once you’re into a serious hanging routine adding other stuff interferes with hanging and is therefore counterproductive.

>If that’s the case would doing clamping for girth first till I reach around 6 inches make it alot harder for me to gain length?

Some think gaining girth first hinders length progress. Could be. Maybe gaining length first gets in the way of later increasing girth. My current opinion is how much and where a dedicated PEer gains size probably depends mostly on his PE potential.

If you’re an easy length gainer but girth comes hard, that will probably always be the case regardless of what order you focus on things. And vice versa.

> Currently I’m still gaining pretty well but I’m just looking to expand my routine.

If it ain’t broke…

> Are girth exercises (manual clamping) inhibiting my length gains?

What is manual clamping? Ulis?

Intense girth work toughens the shaft, which might get in the way of length gains if your length needs to come from the shaft itself as opposed to ligs.

Last year I did an intense extreme Uli routine for a few months. Soon after was the first time I ever got skunked after putting in enough hours hanging that I should have had at least a small gain (based on past experience). I blame the EU’s.

Awesome, thanks for addressing all my different questions. By manual clamping I just pump out a couple kegels to a full erection and clamp my fingers in an OK grip around the base tightly to engorge the penis and hold it for a little bit then release, recover and repeat. My plan is to continue my basic manual routine for now, what are some great manual exercises for length because I really don’t want to resort to hanging.

Emrandel,I don’t think the kind of clamping you are doing is counter-productive.The fact that you are doing it by hand,and in short intervals is probably a good thing to do.Kegeling of course is also very good for circulation.I would say at this point it’s not gonna effect your ability to gain length.

Alright, thanks, that’s what my main fear was.

I have to tell you ALL about this.. I don’t want to start a new thread because I’ll feel like a spammer but this is the deal. My doctor put me on Prozac, 20mg every night. I was scared of the possible side effects but I’ve only taken two sofar and I’m full of energy and this morning I woke up with a giant erection which hasn’t happened in a long time. IDK if any of you take prozac or similar SSRIs but if you do please post on how it effects you and your sex life.


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