BTB jelquing compared to Leg workouts
Sorry for the confusing title. I have a new philosophy, not sure if this sounds stupid or not so I’d like some feedback.
As a starting point, I am comparing PE to working out/strength/cardiovascular health.
I’ve been consistently working out since I was about 16-17 so I’ve never been in really poor shape, but I was one of those typical guys in the gym who would only lift weights, ie. bench press, biceps/tris, shoulders etc. No leg workouts, abs every other day, lots of guys do this. Never developed the 6-pack. Fast forward to today, I am now incorporating full leg workouts ie. squats, leg press, lunges etc and 20-30 mins of cardio after weight lifting. I’ve never been in better shape, got the 6-pack, and upper body-wise I’m lifting much more than I have in the past when I used to focus SOLELY on upper body.
Comparing lifting weights/upper body workout to PE: if you’re just doing normal jelqs, stretches, hanging, ADS etc, you’re working out the visible portion of the penis. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE INNER PENIS AND BC MUSCLE?? Aka the legs/lower body of the penis, so to speak. This needs to be worked out as well!
My theory: work out the inner penis and BC muscle IN ADDITION to whatever you’re doing now in your PE routine. This will result in greater overall fatigue to the external penis/inner penis, greater overall blood circulation to that area, which will theoretically lead to greater/easier gains.
If you say you don’t have time, cut down a little bit on whatever you’re doing now to make at least 10 good minutes working on the Inner Penis and BC muscles.
My total PE routine (see #4 and #6), 5 on 2 off (Mon-Fri, rest Sat/Sun):
1) 3-5 hours of extender use + EVO oil on the shaft (in my office Lol)
2) X hours with ADS (maybe 1-3 hours per day)
3) pump for 1 hour at 5-5.5 HG with heatpad (about 3 times per week in the office)
4) Dry Jelq at home/night in bed with 60-80% erection for 45 mins to 1-hr + SIMULTANEOUS BTB JELQING
5) edging for half hour-1 hour sessions 1-2 times daily, no cumming until the weekend
6) Kegels throughout the day (cumulative time, about 1-2 hours? in car, on train/public transpo, anywhere sitting etc): alternating between 2 sec, 5 sec, 10 sec, 30 sec holds
7) occasional fowfers when I remember
Disclaimer: This is only a theory I thought of after smoking some ganja, I don’t have any medical knowledge to back this up (only shit I read on Thunders).
I don’t know if leg workouts are analogous to BTB jelqing/kegels, my idea is to induce a total workout of the Penis anatomy which will ideally lead to more pronounced growth of the “visible” portion of the penis.
Please feel free to critique or share your thoughts on my ideas/routine, thanks guys