Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can a Big Dick Get You Out of the Friend Zone?


From the point of view that to be successful in both investing and PE requires discipline and focus then yes, anyone can be a millionaire with a large dick.

Invest $1,000 per month at 6% and you’ll have a $1,000,000 in 30 years. Invest more to reduce the time. Sounds simple until the kids need braces or the car breaks down or whatever. Still, it can be done.

A disciplined PE program will also generate results. Just gotta make sure you carve that time out every day.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by 32quarters
A disciplined PE program will also generate results. Just gotta make sure you carve that time out every day.

No job, no kids, no wife/gf, no other commitments, so I’ve certainly got the time.

I now just need the gains…

Short term goal: 5.25" NBPEL by 31/12/2019

Ultimate goal: 6"+ NBPEL x 5.5"+ girth. Hoping to reach 6" NBPEL by 20/5/2020, my 37th birthday

Dream size: 8"+ NBPEL x 6"+ girth

Originally Posted by WorshipIsTheGoal
My hunch is yes, absolutely. But I’d like to hear any stories you guys might have about having a female friend who unfriendzoned you specifically because she found out you had a big dick. I have a female friend I would love to marry someday. But right now our relationship remains platonic.

Share some of your stories. I’d love to hear if it’s true.

Average starting dick size here,

If you knew you had the finger skills or tongue skills to make her climax in 3-7minutes(about the time a healthy, non-tired, and only moderately stressed woman needs with proper technique focus and stamina), you’d have her talked out of her panties already.

Your brain is way more powerful than a big dick. Use it.

Start 9/25/19 - 6 3/4" BPEL -> 11/20/19 - 7" BPEL -> 9/1/20 - 7 1/4" BPEL -> trying to hit anything over 8" BPEL (only updating every 1/4" it's slow but it's working)

- You only have one dick. Don't break it.

- Give her an orgasm before you stick your prick in her.

Originally Posted by Mr. Oxford

Your brain is way more powerful than a big dick. Use it.

Love this!

I think we all forget to use our heads sometimes.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

Originally Posted by Mr. Oxford

If you knew you had the finger skills or tongue skills to make her climax in 3-7minutes(about the time a healthy, non-tired, and only moderately stressed woman needs with proper technique focus and stamina), you’d have her talked out of her panties already.

Agree totally. Also, I generally have pretty good staying power, but endurance with my dick doesn’t come close to how long my tongue and fingers can stay in the game. So while I am proud of the orgasms my dick has been responsible for, my tongue and fingers have generated many many times more. I probably should add another “many” in there to be accurate.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
A big dick won’t, but a big dick attitude will.


Originally Posted by MajorSmile
No job, no kids, no wife/gf, no other commitments, so I’ve certainly got the time.

I now just need the gains..

You can have a 10” cock, but if you don’t have any game (which I assume you don’t ) no girl will be interested in you and your 10” cock.

On topic: It won’t help you get out of the friendzone, but it will def help with keeping FWB around if you also know how to use that cock. I still get texts from girls I hooked up with in the past and that is not because of how nicely I treated them.

Originally Posted by frozenballs
I still get texts from girls I hooked up with in the past and that is not because of how nicely I treated them.


Short term goal: 5.25" NBPEL by 31/12/2019

Ultimate goal: 6"+ NBPEL x 5.5"+ girth. Hoping to reach 6" NBPEL by 20/5/2020, my 37th birthday

Dream size: 8"+ NBPEL x 6"+ girth

Hasn’t helped yet. Figure only case it really would is if you were huge and she was a size queen, then maybe.

Current: BPEL 8"/NBPEL 6.75" MEG 5.2", BPFL 6.75"/NBPFL 5.5" FG 4.5"


Realistic Goal: BPEL 8.5"/NBPEL 7.5" EG 5.5" | Optimistic: BPEL 9"/NBPEL 8" MEG 5.75" | Dream: BPEL 10"/NBPEL 9" MEG 6.5"

Hopefully, this isn’t off topic, but considering there has already been very good Input in this thread, I figured I should add something that took me many years to understand and “grok”:

Being a “nice guy” and acting like a friend towards women you are romantically interested in, hoping they will start thinking of you as more than a friend, WITHOUT making your intentions known is UNETHICAL.

If you’re going to be someone’s friend, be their friend without an agenda. If you want more than that, let them know.

Nobody owes you anything, no matter how much you are there for them, or what kind of favors, etc you perform for them.

If you want anything more than friendship, you have to make it known, and very important: accept and respect their decision whether they are interested in more, or not.

There is nothing less attractive to a woman than someone thinking they are entitled to them and their affection. You wouldn’t like it if the situation were reversed.

And a corollary:
Any woman who would keep you as a friend instead of a lover simply because of your penis size, or her perception of it, is not a woman you want to have a relationship with. She doesn’t respect you as a person, only a body part. Whether you have a fetish for that or not, it does not make an adequate foundation for a relationship.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by richardfitswell
Being a “nice guy” and acting like a friend towards women you are romantically interested in, hoping they will start thinking of you as more than a friend, WITHOUT making your intentions known is UNETHICAL.

Nobody owes you anything, no matter how much you are there for them, or what kind of favors, etc you perform for them.

I hope you’re not mixing me up with MajorSmile. He’s the one who feels entitled to supermodel-quality girls. I don’t share his entitlement views. But I am shallow and would love to be fetishized for having a big cock.

I don’t want to derail this thread, but maybe I should admit this woman I have a crush on is my therapist. I’ve heard the stories about how it’s unethical for a therapist to date a patient under any circumstances, but it’s still a nice fantasy for me. (I don’t believe in this, by the way, but I know someone will bring it up.)

That’s not unethical. I’m starting to think you’re name is Christian op

Originally Posted by WorshipIsTheGoal
I hope you’re not mixing me up with MajorSmile. He’s the one who feels entitled to supermodel-quality girls. I don’t share his entitlement views. But I am shallow and would love to be fetishized for having a big cock.

I don’t want to derail this thread, but maybe I should admit this woman I have a crush on is my therapist. I’ve heard the stories about how it’s unethical for a therapist to date a patient under any circumstances, but it’s still a nice fantasy for me. (I don’t believe in this, by the way, but I know someone will bring it up.)

I’m speaking in general terms, not anyone in particular, except maybe the younger high school/college me, and other guys who think of themselves as “nice guys who finish last” or “always a shoulder to cry on, but never a dick to hold”.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in

Originally Posted by Extra medium
That’s not unethical. I’m starting to think you’re name is Christian op

I don’t get the reference. Is Christian a troll?


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