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Can a grower become a shower?

Can a grower become a shower?

I’m a grower, I am about 4inches flaccid and 6.5inches erect. I would prefer to see erect girth gains then length for PE but I would love to see flaccid length gains. Is it possible for a grower to become a shower? And is there any way of increasing flaccid length and even girth? Any exercise or routines?

Also what is a well hung flaccid penis?

This transformation is possible or even often.

Look at Peforeal threads and find out how to become a shower.

Also, simple PE can give You more gains in flaccid department.

Well hung- it’s just an opinion. You know how big You are in warm room, outdoor during winter, etc. Compare it to post-workout hang. It should be bigger and even spongy.

Originally Posted by mattysmith
I’m a grower, I am about 4inches flaccid and 6.5inches erect. I would prefer to see erect girth gains then length for PE but I would love to see flaccid length gains. Is it possible for a grower to become a shower? And is there any way of increasing flaccid length and even girth? Any exercise or routines?

Also what is a well hung flaccid penis?

I started out with a flaccid length of 7 - 8.9 cm. Currently 11.5 - 15 cm, a gain of 60%+.

My EL gain, on the other hand, is about 23%. So I definitely went from being a grower to being a shower.

The additional flaccid beyond initial gains has come from manual stretching and dry jelqing, basically all I do any more.

It seems it gets the most huge and floppy when my feet are warm ;-)

Is BTC stretching good for this?

Start: BPEL 6 3/4 MEG 4 3/4 BPFSL 6 7/8

Goal: at least 7 1/2 NBPEL x 5 1/2 MEG.

Perspective is everything. Progress thread: From anxious to confident


Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

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