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Can I change my PE routine after the small problems I faced?

Can I change my PE routine after the small problems I faced?

Hello, I have been practicing PE for just over 3 months, I stayed the last 2 weeks because I complained about some problems such as “100% erection, but the penis was numb, and sometimes reached only 80-90% of erection during the sex “, but in these last two weeks I have recovered 100% and I completely have my erection again and the numbness has passed. I wanted to know, can I change my routine to another advanced or intermediate? I was following “Newbie Routine”, I will post to you what I was doing:

5-10 minutes warmup using sock with rice or shower with hot water.
5 minutes of stretching (Forward / Left / Up / Right / Down, 30 seconds each, that is, totaling 2 series of 30 seconds for each side totaling 5 minutes).
7 minutes jelquing on average (2-3 seconds per movement, alternating hands every 75 movements for example, usually I ended the session with 150 movements, that is, 75 in the right hand and 75 in the left)
5-10 minutes warmdown with sock with rice or hot shower.
50 kegels after the session, there were days when I used slow contraction (from 3 to 5 seconds), and sometimes I used fast contractions (1 to 2 seconds).
My old schedule after the incident ( 2 on 1 off ) // I am thinking to use a new schedule because the incident, like ( 1 on 1 off ) and reduce the kegels to 25(the numbness may have probably even been excess kegel),what do you think ?
Note : I am 19y old.

I would like a tip from the most experienced people, who are longer than me in this world of PE (because I have just over 3 months of practice), does anyone recommend any routine or any change in my routine ?? What can I do differently ?? Can I go to a more advanced routine or should I resume that same routine? I always do the jelquing under the shower, but I follow the DRY JELQ methodology, for reasons of privacy even.(I still live with my parents, and they don’t accept certain things at home.) (My dry jelq methodology is not so DRY, because as I am under the shower, it ends up being a little wet / lubricated).

Note 1 : I don’t really like this type of stretching beginner too, I used to alternate it with that stretching mode that consists of stretching and rotating the penis clockwise / counterclockwise, I don’t remember the name very well, but anyway , which stretching can I do to replace these 2 too (I never did the 2 aforementioned stretching modes mentioned together, I alternated the days, if one did what consisted of pointing in all directions, the other day I did the other mentioned.) ?
Note 2 : I had a lot of gains with this routine, but after my problem that I faced that was mentioned in the first text, following this routine, I was kind of “left behind” / “traumatized”, with this routine, and I wanted to know if you can change for something more advanced / intermediate, because I already have a little more than 3 months following this routine, pausing only those last 2 weeks to recover from the problem I went through (it is already 100% recovered).

You can definitely change your routine so your erections are not affected. Me personally I don’t like jelqing, and never cared for the newbie routine, I think it’s to much for a new person to get good quality at something. Me personally if you are after length, you can start hanging ( very light like 2lbs) or you can do extending ( pricey) the goal are simple with those, hang for 20 mins per set. Keep as low of a weight for as long as possible, and add .5lb when it’s time to move up. You will know when it no longer does anything for you by feeling.

Me personally I hang as close to the base instead of by my head or dorsal nerve. Comfort reasons. The way hanging works it’s first you get skin stretch, then ligs get stretched and then the internals get pulled. Over time I am talking about. I suggest you do research on threads here. I don’t tend to follow everything and my way of hanging is not for newbies ( I don’t wrap or use heat).

If you are not ready for that, I would cut back on what you are doing. If erections are getting effected. That means you are doing to much and those are negative physical indicators and you need to rest. You should start cutting back one thing till you see positive indicators ( stronger erections, morning wood, and a bigger flaccid) that will help you figure out what works for you and what isn’t working for you. If you cut back to much you will get lost and what works.

Sorry, I forgot to add I have been doing PE for 8 years, and I just started posting. On this forum

Last edited by MagerHang : 08-21-2020 at .
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