Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can YOU Help

Can YOU Help

Hi first time on the board and I need your advise and help!!

I have been using for the past couple of years the pump system whereby I have had great result, but sadly not permanent!

I have purchase a stretching device which appears to work but is very difficult to use throughout the day.

I have then purchased a circle device (weight) but again difficult to use throughout the day.

In looking at this board and seeing the video I thought I would have a go at jelqing whereby I have tried twice, unfortunately, after the second try I felt some stinging from the end of my penis which I am not sure is normal or not?

Anyway, if anyone could send me an email to advice me on how to go about making my penis bigger I would be very grateful!!

Furthermore, should I incarcerate this equipment including the pump system into my daily exercises?

Thanks for your help!


Ashley, I removed your email address. If you think about it, you will realize that there are several good reasons for not posting it. Folks can PM you or reach you through the Thunder’s email system if you have set your preferences to allow that.



Can’t say about the pumping part only because I don’t pump. As far as the pain after jelqing. You may be squeezing too hard or you may be too erect. Try to stay between 50-75% erect when jelqing. Also, how many are you doing at a time? You don’t want pain afterwards. A good fatigued feels isn’t bad but pain is something you want to stay away from.

Welcome to Thunder’s. I’ll let more experienced members take care of the other questions and comments.


Thank for your help and thanks about helping with my email!


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