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Circumcision Surgery

Guys thank you for all sharing your opinions!! But there are a few myths there I want to make clear before going to surgery,

It’s loses sensible??

The surgery is dangerous??

These six weeks in recover, there any thing that bothers (besides the pain and don’t have sex)??

Any ideas of price??

What are the balance (loses and wins)??

What the hell is anus cut?

Originally Posted by Phyriel
It’s loses sensible??

In my case yes a bit, but it is normal and I think it is a good thing if you are too much sensible

Originally Posted by Phyriel
The surgery is dangerous??

Any surgery has some eventual dangerous aspects, even the easier one. In this case dangers are very few.

Originally Posted by Phyriel
These six weeks in recover, there any thing that bothers (besides the pain and don’t have sex)??

I don’t remember any other thing.. Maybe other people can add some comments here

Originally Posted by Phyriel
Any ideas of price??

No, my father paid! ;) Anyway it depends a lot on where you do it, country, clinic, and so on

Originally Posted by Phyriel
What the hell is anus cut?

Oh, it’s only a joke from that guy, probably he is contrary to the idea of losing a “part of yourself” with this surgery! ;)

Anyway, if you haven’t done it yet, speak with a doctor about this, he will see if you are motivated enough and give all your doubts an answer!

Originally Posted by Phyriel

Guys thank you for all sharing your opinions!! But there are a few myths there I want to make clear before going to surgery,

It’s loses sensible??

The surgery is dangerous??

These six weeks in recover, there any thing that bothers (besides the pain and don’t have sex)??

Any ideas of price??

What are the balance (loses and wins)??

What the hell is anus cut?

I had myself circumcised at 19 (20 years ago).

I had very slight sensitivity loss, but no loss of intensity of orgasm or ejaculation.

The surgery is very safe if done at a hospital; many cultures perform ritual circumcision where a non medically qualified person performs it. There are many cases of infection etc., but compared to the number of people who are ritually circumcised, the infection rate is small. From a hospital, it is a minor outpatient procedure and very safe.

While healing, the stitches tend to catch on clothing and erections are painful, but no other problems.

No idea of price. There are many threads on Thunder’s about adult circumcision. Use the search and read other people’s ideas of losses and wins. I was perfectly happy with a foreskin and I’m perfectly happy without it. On balance I slightly prefer without.

Ignore the anus cut. That is just Borat being, well, being Borat!

The thing the most scare me, it’s the lose of sensibility.

Originally Posted by Phyriel

The thing the most scare me, it’s the lose of sensibility.

It really is no problem at all. It is very slight and your brain compensates. How often at Thunder’s do you read about lack of sensitivity from being circumcised? There are far more threads about premature ejaculation problems than lack of sensitivity.

Wow, finally a thread where guys who have had both an uncut and a cut penis speak up about their personal experiences :up: Valuable to link to when the circumcision debate inevitably shows up again in future threads…

As I stated in my post, STDs were more frequent in uncut, not that you are prone to catch or have a STD if you are uncut. As far as the surgery, it is out patient. It is not considered cosmetic anymore due to health concerns. Insurance will pay these days. Depending on your provider of course. Most penis cut or uncut look quite the same when erect, but everything is based on opinion, and in my opinion bros who are uncut simply are happy with the way they are regardless of the norm. These days most parents cut their infants, but of course unless the father himself is uncut the infant my not. Again this is just an opinion. Ask me if I would do it over again.absolutely. Loss of sensation.absolutely not. Confidence is much better than before the surgery. And bros, whether you are cut or uncut, everything will function normally.

I always had will to take the surgery! Now I am convinced, but first I need money, I live with my parents and I will not come to my dad and say that I need to be cut!

But again thank you guys for sharing opinions! From the comestic view I always thinked that cut looks a LOT of better, but I always have fear on take any type of surgery on my dick, after all IT’S MY LOVELY DICK, but from your opinions I guess the risks are very minor.

Phyriel, make sure you take before and after pics.

Ok man, good idea!

I would like to have something in between (cut <-> uncut)

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

Yeah Phyriel,

I’m glad you could share this great experience with us. I’m uncut, and I’d love to see the whole thing, the before, between and after the circumcising things.

Thanks in advance!

Good luck with it!

7 x 6 EG is perfect!

Routine : Manual-V-Inverted V-JAI-BTC stretches (alot of stretches :D ). Wet Jelq, Pumping (once a week to maintain my girth)

Don't Do It

DO NOT GET CIRCUMCISED!! I was circumcised when I was about 3 or 4 and well, an uncut penis has many benefits, first of all if you’re concerned with looks.. An erect uncut penis looks the same as a circumcised penis except that it has looser skin.. And when your flaccid the foreskin just helps cover your glans so it stays moist and sensitive.. In the past few years I’ve been slowly loosing sensitivity in my penis and let me tell you not one day goes by that I wish I was not circumcised.. So I’d definitely recommend against it but if for some reason you really want to get circumcised you should talk to your doctor about getting cut a little loose and make sure you save as much of your inner foreskin as possible.. That’s very sensitive skin you’d be loosing if you got cut.. And that would definitely lower your sensitivity.. But I know that if you’re circumcised as a child you loose more sensitivity than if you were to be circumcised when you’re older because as a child your foreskin and glans are attached and ripping them apart causes scaring on the glans and remainder of the foreskin which lowers sensitivity.. Anyway.. I’d say DO NOT GET CIRCUMCISED because I’ve been spending the past few months and probably the next year or two restoring my foreskin to as close to normal as I possibly can.. And it’s a pain in the ass.. The last thing you want is to cut off such a sensitive part of your body.. Trust me and who gives a shit what other people think of your penis? It’s your opinion that really matters.. And I’d say uncut feels better during sex for both you and your partner (because your dick doesn’t cause as much friction during sex).. But yeah that’s my advice, hope you’re happy with the decision you make, whatever it happens to be

Elementmassacre, please could you use paragraphs when posting; it is much easier to read. :)

It’s up to you to get cut. I’m uncut and I wouldn’t want to lose sensitivity nor would I want to fall into line with everyone else who gets cut. I almost want to thank my parents for not putting my unit through horrible trauma when I was an infant, and also for leaving my body alone so I can screw around with it instead. If people make fun of you for being uncut, they just want to one-up themselves and try and boost their ego by picking at your flaws. Even though your foreskin could be considered useless today, you’re born with it and I wouldn’t want to mess with my body.

You always want what you can’t have. Right now you want to be cut, but as soon as you get the surgery done and you’re healing, you’re probably going to want to go back to being uncut. That leaves you with kicking yourself for a long time or restoring your foreskin.

That’s my two cents.


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