Thunder's Place

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Cock Rings

Cock Rings

Do anyone have an opinion on jelqing with a cock ring? I’ve been PE’ing for about 6 weeks now (plus I did some about 7 years ago in HS) and can’t seem to keep my erection level around the 70-80% for more than 20-30 strokes. I was thinking I could get an erection, let it subside to 70-80% then put the cock ring on & begin jelqing. I think think that this could possibly be effective. Any ideas? Would a cable clamp work better?

I’ve tried the power jelq thing where you use two hands with one clamping & the other jelqing, and it didn’t work so well for me. I had a problem gripping close to the clamping hand.

Thanks in advance.

I’ve tried jelqing with a clamp on. It’s intense. I wouldn’t do it again, but that’s just me.



PS The Ignorant Ba$tard

Start: Dec 2004- 5.8in

Current- 6.1 in

It may be dependant on the fit of the ring, but I’d steer clear of jelqing with one if it’s overly tight as it will pinch the main veins at the root of your unit and may cause your erections to lose intensity, but that’s just my opinion..

Lotsofissues, the first pic on the link below shows me wearing a cock ring.pretty self-explanatory.

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Originally Posted by lotsofissues
PS The Ignorant Ba$tard

Why did I know he would not last very long?

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