UpTo7: I use only light weight from 3-5 lbs. I am not sure if I am talking right words. I dont get always blistering but pain and discolration. Like after session there can be 2-4 colors in my glans. New color from last session and colors from other sessions (healing wounds). I try to use a little less force with ADS (execpt today my unit accecpted just fine to my recently added 1cm rods which has been difficult before :) ).
I hang when I sit on computer (straight down) and also when lying on sofa watching TV (this is also pretty straight down, using a chair where trough (fishing line) goes and makes 90 degree angle. Somehow I feel that strech with that 90 angle is not so strong. Does this angle take so force? NOt so good in physics but I think that this potential energy in weights shouldn´t dissapear (at least not meaninfull amounts) in that angle.