Thunder's Place

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Consistency problems

Consistency problems


I’m having some problems with consistency regarding the suggested 2on/1off due to work.
I’m just too tired on Tue/Wed/Thu to do the newbie routine. Will this kill any potential gains and what should I do?

Furthermore, I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to be feeling when I stretch.
Is it supposed to be comparable to stretching your legs? Because I don’t feel that.

Also, can I pump instead of doing jelqs?
My technique seems to be rather poor despite having read all the decent explanations.
Maybe 1-2/10 are good so far, I think.


The 2 on / 1 off is just a guideline. You could do 4 on / 3 off and still gain. Or do workouts on M, W, F, S, S. so 5 per week. Or just make sure to do your workout before going to work on the days that you should be doing a workout. If you can’t stay consistent, you won’t get permanent gains, so just find a way to do it.

Stretch until you get to max length, and then hold it there for a while. Pulling harder isn’t any good unless it’s also pulling longer. As long as you don’t feel any pain, you’re doing it right. Do some kind of warm-up or heating before stretching, that part is key.

Jelqing is a cornerstone of effective PE. Yes, it’s possible to gain without it, but even pumpers still jelq to solidify the gains. Keep at it, your form will get better over the months. You can tell when you used good form by the amount of expansion and blood pressure that’s building up in the tip. Review the good explanations you mentioned every couple months, sometimes they carry more meaning after some experience.

Okay, I’ll go for the 4/3 split then for now. Thanks.

Maybe my problems with jelqing is that I’m having a difficult time getting and maintaining a 70-80% erection without going to 100%.

Currently I warm up with a hot water bottle for 5-10 mins, then stretch for 10, jelq for 5-10 and lastly pump for another 10, then cooldown.

I reapply the hot water bottle every 5 mins during the workout to keep everything relatively warm.

We all have problems jelqing at the start. They’ll come good in time.

Do not scrap the jelq, it is an extremely versatile and pleasurable exercise which can produce significant gains.

Life is great, enjoy it

Starting/Current Stats (BPEL*MSEG*BPFL) - December 2011: 6.4*5*4.2

Final Target: 9.6*7.6*7.2

Oh I’m not scrapping them. They’re just a bit difficult at the moment. Sometimes I have a run of 10-20 good ones (I think/hope) in a row, but then my hands screw up again.

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