Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



On the “A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises” in the “Simple Stretches” instruction part of the page it’s written this: “1.Grab about an inch behind your glans with one of your hands and pull in a given direction. Hold for a count of 30 - 60 seconds and release.”

but on the instruction video the guy grabs the whole glan when stretching down and then right under the glan for the upward stretch and you clearly see that he pulls hard on it
Instruction video: simple_manual_stretches.mpg

I heard that it’s dangerous to grab under the glan because that’s where the nerves are and it can damage your penis to the point where you don’t have any sensation anymore.

I don’t want to damage the nerves but i really would like to do manual stretches. Could somebody give me instructions or explanations about what’s going on here?


My thumb and my pointer form a ring around my glans, but this is only to keep my skin from going over my glans. The thumb and pointer hold the glans very lightly. I apply most of the pressure with my middle and ring fingers, and the palm of my hand. This is with and underhand grip.

In the vid, it looks like he’s holding the shaft, just below the head.


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