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Cut by the razor

Cut by the razor

Need some advice here today.
Shit fire all to hell, I just got my unit caught in the sideburn cutter of the electric razor.
It took a little bit of skin(1/16 in.) on the side next to the vein.
It is bleeding but not bad. I am reluctant to do any hanging until it heals and is gone.
What I am asking is there anyone out there that has had this happen to them and what was the result: “Of waiting” and “Not waiting” to let it heal?
I have a light but firm gause wrap on it to keep preasue on it as I am scheduled to go out to dinner in 1 1/2 hrs.

Please advise,


I’d wait if I were you. Don’t want to aggravate the site any, and hanging will place a stretch on the area.

Other than that, all I can say is owie. :eek2:

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

I have had a nick or two in all my times shaving, nothing this big though. But I always shave with a regular razor. The skin is far too sensitive and stretchy for an electiric.

I would suggest rubbing in some neosporin to make sure it doesn’t get infected, plus it will help it to heal.

I have a “personal shaver” brand and nothing like this can happen. You can do a search on the web and find then for around $40 and that’s cheap insurance if you ask me.

BTW, you can even find them on Ebay too.

Wow, I would definitely wait for it to heal IMO

Or, if you live near a Wal-Mart you can pick up a personal trimmer for around $10-$12. I have this little Remington number that has a guard on the underside of the electric head to prevent nics and cuts.

To all that gave me advise/info,
Many thanks.
I have decided to wait until the unit has healed to continue my hangs.
As I will be going to Boston tomorrow night with the SO so we can set up our oldest daughter up in her own apt. for school.

Would hand stretches be OK? As I am uncut I will not be pulling on the skin?
I am two days away from the recommended rest period.



I would just let it heal myself. You have the rest of your life so what’s a couple of days? Before you knew about PE you wouldn’t have had a second thought about it.




One time I dropped my razor in the shower and the razor had 2 blades on it. Needless to say i got like 2 “papercuts” on the head. It hurt just like a papercut. Now i’m more careful…lol

Took some time off (5 days) after the nick by the razor and am now going to get back to my routine.

Before going to work this morning I did a small routine to get back in.

10 miniute warm up
5 minitue manual stretch, left, right, up, down, 15 seconds each
3-5 minute break while attaching the wrap for hanging
Hanging 6 lbs for 10 minutes, while hanging I do a variation of the holo hoop dance and have found that it does a good stretch all around the base. Then I lean forward to a 90 degree angle of the body and do more swinging with the weight.
Took a extra warm shower while doing 3-5 minutes jelg at 3-5 seconds each.
Didn’t want to overdue it after such a ling rest period.


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