Thunder's Place

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Darn Erection Level While Jelqing

Darn Erection Level While Jelqing

Okay I jelq for 30 mins each day but I have a problem maintaining my ideal level of erection that I feel gives me the best sensation. So I end up jelqing with a low erection then all of a sudden it gets real high then back down again. So will this negatively effect my gains? Also I’m using lotion because I don’t have any vaseline or baby oil so I’m constantly stopping and reapplying. Will that negatively effect my gains as well?

Stop and doing jelqing again has no negative effects. Jelqing at different effects but none are negative- just helps you gain in different aspects.

i “kinda” have the same problem at the moment. As time passes by, i think it gets easier to maintain a 40-60% erect level though. Also, getting a good lubricant would probably be a smart investment.

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