Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dear clampers of Thunder's, ...

Dear clampers of Thunder's, ...

Greetings, clampers of TP, or anyone who incorporates in some form clamping into his routine.
I have a few questions to ask you in regards to clamping:

1. What is your clamping routine like? (i.e. how many sets etc.)

2. Do you do any other PE workouts in the same day as clamping? (i.e. hanging, pumping etc.)

3. Are your EQ better the next day or worse? (i.e Achieving erection is the easiest/hardest thing to do)

4. Are you happy with your routine or you consider changing it in near future) (i.e. Yes, this works for me and I’m gaining well; No, I have been at a standstill for 2 months - get me out of here)

That’s pretty much all I can recall on top of my head. Please share your experience with us.

Originally Posted by JinnGB
Greetings, clampers of TP, or anyone who incorporates in some form clamping into his routine.
I have a few questions to ask you in regards to clamping:

1. What is your clamping routine like? (I.e. How many sets etc.)

2. Do you do any other PE workouts in the same day as clamping? (I.e. Hanging, pumping etc.)

3. Are your EQ better the next day or worse? (I.e Achieving erection is the easiest/hardest thing to do)

4. Are you happy with your routine or you consider changing it in near future) (I.e. Yes, this works for me and I’m gaining well; No, I have been at a standstill for 2 months - get me out of here)

That’s pretty much all I can recall on top of my head. Please share your experience with us.

Hello, I am new to TP, but I have been doing manual stretches and jelquing off and on for a few years. I started clamping a few weeks ago using a medium CableCuff Pro. I added aided V-stretches and aided Inverted V-stretches, as well. I feel that the additional exercises are helping me over a plateau. Clamping is great. I really feel it and love the engorgement. The effect on girth is immediate and seems to be holding, at least over a couple of days. I plan to continue and progress. Hopefully the change will increase and eventually be permanent. That said, some cautionary notes that others have passed along: you must be careful not to clamp too tight or for too long - injury can occur. Start slowly and work your way up. There is a great thread covering clamping: Clamping 101 - The clamping guide. I don’t know how to link to it, but you can search for it.

As to your specific questions:
1. I’m doing 3 x 10 minute sets as described in the thread mentioned above.
2. Yes, manual stretches in six directions, aided V- and aided inverted V-stretches, then clamping and/or jelquing for a total of about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Sometimes repeat on a good day.
3. Better.. Way better.
4. I am happy with this for the moment, but I expect to modify over time. I think the right variations lead to continued progress.

Just my thoughts. I’m not a pro, but I am making some gains. As always, don’t overdo.. No injuries! I hope this is helpful.

Originally Posted by lakebum
Hello, I am new to TP, but I have been doing manual stretches and jelquing off and on for a few years. I started clamping a few weeks ago using a medium CableCuff Pro. I added aided V-stretches and aided Inverted V-stretches, as well. I feel that the additional exercises are helping me over a plateau. Clamping is great. I really feel it and love the engorgement. The effect on girth is immediate and seems to be holding, at least over a couple of days. I plan to continue and progress. Hopefully the change will increase and eventually be permanent. That said, some cautionary notes that others have passed along: you must be careful not to clamp too tight or for too long - injury can occur. Start slowly and work your way up. There is a great thread covering clamping: Clamping 101 - The clamping guide. I don’t know how to link to it, but you can search for it.

As to your specific questions:
1. I’m doing 3 x 10 minute sets as described in the thread mentioned above.
2. Yes, manual stretches in six directions, aided V- and aided inverted V-stretches, then clamping and/or jelquing for a total of about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Sometimes repeat on a good day.
3. Better.. Way better.
4. I am happy with this for the moment, but I expect to modify over time. I think the right variations lead to continued progress.

Just my thoughts. I’m not a pro, but I am making some gains. As always, don’t overdo.. No injuries! I hope this is helpful.

Good words man. As a follow up to newbies from what Lakebum indicated - I can go for an hour clamping/edging because my dick is conditioned for it. DO NOT go that long just starting out. Go with smaller sets and edging in between. For instance, 5-10 minutes clamped/edging. Release and continue to edge for 3-5 minutes then reclamp/edge for 5-10 minutes etc. I never let my cock get to a deep purple. I have seen some dudes on here do that and it’s crazy. I only let my dick have a slight purple hue with the veinage becoming very prominent. Enjoy PE. Edge and DO NOT cum. That is a big part of my routine and contributed a lot to gains and cementing those.


Beginning stats 3/2010: BPEL: 6" Flaccid: 3.5" Erect Girth: 5.25

Stats as of 9/2022: BPEL: 8" Flaccid: 7" Flaccid Girth: 5.25 Erect Girth: 6 5/8"

Going super slow 1x10 mins most mornings.

Unclamped boners have been almost clamped size and strong, especially during the night and morning.

I’m not measuring or anything, but it’s much fatter in my hand.

Spouse has not noticed.

Spouse not noticing really does reinforce the fact that I’m doing this stuff solely for my own sake. Even though she seems to have stronger, more frequent orgasms during sex than before I started. She found my clamp and I was forced then to explain my embarrassing hobby lol. She is a doctor and claims penis enlargement is impossible. I measure myself though and know that isn’t true! Clamping over the past three months has increased my girth from under 5.5” to 5.75” consistently non clamped.

I basically clamp every time I masterbate/edge which is about 3 times a day for 10-15 minutes at a time. I do semi erect bends sometimes as well that I hold in all directions for 30 seconds. Experimenting now with doing the bends on just the upward motion. Good luck!

Originally Posted by JinnGB
1. What is your clamping routine like? (i.e. how many sets etc.)

I’m running two sets of 10 minutes, with a 10-minute break in between. Normally combined with edging. I do it once every week or two, mostly because I like the feel. I don’t want any more girth.

2. Do you do any other PE workouts in the same day as clamping? (i.e. hanging, pumping etc.)

Pumping, almost always. Pumping is my default PE method.

3. Are your EQ better the next day or worse? (i.e Achieving erection is the easiest/hardest thing to do)

No change that I can tell, though 2x10 may not be enough to make any difference.

4. Are you happy with your routine or you consider changing it in near future) (i.e. Yes, this works for me and I’m gaining well; No, I have been at a standstill for 2 months - get me out of here)

I’m happy enough and not planning to change anything. Honestly, I view it more as “mechanically assisted edging” than anything else.


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