Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Did 6 months of PE, took a break and now I'm back

Did 6 months of PE, took a break and now I'm back

Hello to all readers and members of Thunder’s. I am a new member but I was active lurker about a year ago. I did manual PE exercises for about 6 months, but then I had to focus on other things and only rarely did PE exercises. Now I want to start again and decided to join to Thunder’s Place.

Actually first time when I read about PE it was probably 6-8 years ago. I read that wet jelqing regularly for 20-30 minutes can increase size, so I tried that and I hated it. Somehow about year ago I found Thunder’s Place and many different PE exercises that I wanted to try.

I started with very basic exercises or so called newbie routine but quickly I started to train more and use few more exercises. I don’t recommend that if you are new to PE that you do what I did. I think that I did little too much of training and some exercises are more advanced.
My routine was 5 days on 2 days off. I did dry jelqing, dry jelqing with stretch, basic manual stretching to different directions, horse 440’s, Ulis and some times penis compressors. I trained 20-30 minutes in a day. I tried different exercises and stretches but I found out that these were easy to do right. I’m uncut so dry jelqing felt more natural for me. I wanted to do dry jelqing with low erection level to gain length but it always ended to be 70-75% erect.

I wanted to gain more length than girth. I was about 5.5 inches BPEL and about 5.2 inches glans girth. My glans was always noticeably wider than my mid shaft. I really hate measuring but I did some measurements today so that I can say what I gained. Now I’m at lest 6 inches BPEL (see my question below) and my glans girth is still 5.2 but now my mid shaft is even with my glans. I think that I gained about 0,5 inches BPEL, big girth gains in the mid shaft and about 0.5 inch to flaccid length. I think that my penis has now a lot more veins than before PE. I want to mention that still when my penis is flaccid my glans is clearly wider than my mid shaft like it was before PE.

I have question. When I measure my BPEL I feel that it’s very hard/impossible to push ruler down to the bone because it feels like my penis has “roots” before the bone like this _| |_ I think that this is something that I didn’t have before I started PE. When penis is not erect I can push ruler down to the bone. Is this normal?

Now I’m starting with PE again. I plan to do 2 days on and 1 day off routine because I felt that 5 on 2 off was little too much for me. I need to focus more on dry jelqing with lower erection level. I hope that I can gain something like 0.5-1 inch more length in next 6-12 months.

Originally Posted by Bombz

I have question. When I measure my BPEL I feel that it’s very hard/impossible to push ruler down to the bone because it feels like my penis has “roots” before the bone like this _| |_ I think that this is something that I didn’t have before I started PE. When penis is not erect I can push ruler down to the bone. Is this normal?

Maybe it’s the tendons/ligaments that are really tight. Try amazing isometrics exercise

STARTING: BPEL: 5.7 G: 4.65, NOW: BPEL: 7.48 G: 5.7 GOAL L:8.7 G:6.3 (old goal; L:8.0 G: 6.0)


Disclaimer:The advices that I give of any sort are just stated on general laymen's knowledge.

I believe that it must be the ligaments that attach to public bone. I have noticed that stretching affects these same tissues. I need to try isometrics exercise.


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