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Do different materials of cock rings fit differently than others?

Do different materials of cock rings fit differently than others?

This is definitely a newbie question, and I don’t know how else I will get this answered so I am just going to ask this now before I buy my cock ring.

Do different cock rings, like aluminum, chrome, neoprene, silicone, leather and rubber all fit differently than one another on the penis? I know this sounds dumb as hell, but I need to know. I was shopping for a cock ring for myself, and after looking at some pictures where people were wearing them, the aluminum ring fit very far onto the penis and balls, is was very much out of the way. The neoprene ring was much closer, especially to the balls, and in my opinion would subtract from the usable length of the penis itself and the last thing I need is to have less of length be usable. I would post pictures to describe, but I know this is a public forum. So, before I go out and get a cock ring, how do they all fit and what is gonna be the right choice for me to purchase?

Originally Posted by Springer240
This is definitely a newbie question, and I don’t know how else I will get this answered so I am just going to ask this now before I buy my cock ring.

Do different cock rings, like aluminum, chrome, neoprene, silicone, leather and rubber all fit differently than one another on the penis? I know this sounds dumb as hell, but I need to know. I was shopping for a cock ring for myself, and after looking at some pictures where people were wearing them, the aluminum ring fit very far onto the penis and balls, is was very much out of the way. The neoprene ring was much closer, especially to the balls, and in my opinion would subtract from the usable length of the penis itself and the last thing I need is to have less of length be usable. I would post pictures to describe, but I know this is a public forum. So, before I go out and get a cock ring, how do they all fit and what is gonna be the right choice for me to purchase?

I believe they come in different sizes. Not sure about the differences between the materials. I imagine if it was a metal cock ring then you would want it to be just the rite size, because the metal isn’t going to stretch like silicone or rubber.

Start: 3/25/07: BPEL: 5.5" EG: 5" NBPEL: 5" BPFSL: 5.75" Progress: 4/10/07 BPEL: 6" EG: 5" GREAT SUCCESS!!

Progress: 5/18/07 BPEL: 6.25" EG: 5.1" FL: 3.5" FG: 4.25" Still growing! Progress: 5/30/07 BPEL: 6.5" NBPEL: 6" BPFSL: 7" Gained an inch! Gains 6/21/07 FL: 4" FG:4.5"

Cock rings are a real ‘personal preference’ thing. It also depends what you want to wear one for (post-PE, sex etc.). Different materials should not fit differently, but there is a huge difference in feel between a silicone rubber ring and a heavy metal ring. I like the rings from gearessentials dot com, but many people prefer leather or rubber. Try them all over time and you will find your own preferences. It’s best to begin with silicone or leather with adjustment snaps.

Silicone rings rule, keep the blood in much better than metal!

yea westla, I’ve read it. But basically, I wanted to know if there were any rings that can stay out of the way more than the others? I was looking at these rubber rings, that have some stretch, unlike metal but not enough like the gummy. Now, I just have to find out how to size myself and order away.

Hey, I dont think I am measuring correctly. I used a piece of plastic and found the length of it where it is the smallest possible circumference and I got 5.5”, 6.5” and well over 7” with three different measurements. What am I supposed to do?

West’s link explains getting the correct fit very well. The recommendations I would add to it are to either use a 1/4” wide strip of paper (breaks if you pull it too hard and is easy to mark) or a piece of electrical flex of approximately the thickness of ring you are sizing for.

Measuring for a cock ring is one time to abandon Imperial measurement and go Metric. The math is much easier.

When you encircle your penis and testicles with the paper/cord etc., what feels tight to begin with may feel quite loose after 30 seconds or so, so this is quite a difficult measure to get right. I suggest taking a measurement with the cord pulled so that it definitely feels too loose, and one that definitely feels too tight. (Knowing the ‘wrong’ measurements gives confidence in the ‘right’ measurements).

Because your testicles will hang loose or pull up more at different times, measure around your penis and testicles several times over a couple of days and average the measurements. This is easy to do if you have measured in millimeters. The more often you measure, the more you will get a feel for just how tight or loose you want a ring to be.

When you have a measurement you are happy with, divide it by pi (3.14) to give the size of ring you need. For example:

170mm divided by 3.14 = 54mm (5.4cm or 2 1/4”)

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